TriFusion modules and API reference

Welcome to the TriFusion API reference guide. This reference guide details the sub-packages and modules used for each component of TriFusion.

This guide is intended for power users and developers that wish to modify the source and/or contribute with new code. A brief description of each main component of TriFusion follows below with the relevant modules and classes specified. These descriptions can be used to send you on your way to the sections of interest, where a more detailed documentation is available.

What is TriFusion

TriFusion is a GUI and command line application designed to streamline the gathering, processing and visualization of phylogenomic data. It is broadly divided in these three modules.


Provides a pipeline for running OrthoMCL, with the code ported to python and SQLite instead of the original perl and MySQL. OrthoMCL is the most popular ortholog detection pipeline, and TriFusion offers an easy and intuitive way of running the pipeline while providing the complete range of options available.

In addition to the search pipeline, TriFusion allows the filtering and visual exploration of the resulting ortholog groups. In the end, orthologs can be exported as protein or DNA sequences.


At its core, the Process module is a conversion and concatenation tool that handles very large sequence alignment data sets. It reads and exports alignments into several popular formats used in phylogenetics and population genetics. In addition to these main operations, TriFusion offers a wide array of manipulations that can be performed on alignment data, such as filtering, collapsing, creating consensus, etc.


Generates a wide array of graphical visualizations and statistical analyses of alignment data sets.

How can TriFusion be used

TriFusion can be used as a:

  • Desktop application with graphical interface (TriFusion).
  • Command line application (orthomcl_pipeline, TriSeq and TriStats).
  • Library of high performance classes to parse, modify, export and plot alignment data.

Components of TriFusion

The TriFusion package is the result of multiple modular components that work in combination to produce the main application. This modularity means that the graphical interface is separated from the multiple backends that power its features, and each backend works independently of each other. This greatly facilitates changing the existing objects or creating new ones for specific modules without having to worry about other aspects of the package.

Here is a brief overview of the GUI and backend components.

TriFusion GUI

The core graphical interface of TriFusion is controlled by two main files:

  • Contains the TriFusionApp class, with most of the methods and attributes responsible for the interactivity and event handling of the TriFusion application.
  • trifusion.trifusion.kv: Contains graphical instructions for the main window and the definition of the majority of the Widgets in the kivy language.


API documentation of is still under progress.

Main screens

The graphical instructions in kivy language for the 8 main screens of TriFusion are defined in the trifusion/data/screens directory, each screen with its own .kv file. These files contain only the definition of the root widgets of each screen. Other Widgets that are later added to the screen via some method should be defined in the main trifusion.trifusion.kv file. The initial setup of these screens in performed in the build() method.

Custom widgets

Custom widgets can be created using the kivy toolkit. Kivy provides a convenient way of defining graphical instructions to build the Widget’s layout using the kivy language instead of directly with python. Therefore, the layout of new widgets can be defined in the trifusion.trifusion.kv file. If they need to be used by the python code, they also have to be defined as a new class in the module and imported in the module where they will be used. This class can be empty (e.g. TableCell()) or it can harbor custom attributes and methods that are useful for that widget (e.g. FileChooserL()).


API documentation of is still under progress.

Icons and backgrounds

Icons and background images are stored in the trifusion/data/backgrounds directory. In either python or kivy files, these backgrounds can be reference with the path relative to the package root. For example, in any python file, they can be referenced like:

bn = "data/backgrounds/check_ok.png"

Or in any kivy file:

background_normal: "data/backgrounds/bt_process.png"

Running tasks in the background

Time consuming operations are executed in worker threads separated from the main GUI thread. These background tasks are defined in The module documentation provides more information on how to setup background tasks in TriFusion.

In-App help

Help buttons are spread throughout TriFusion. The help information is defined in multiple dictionary objects in

Orthology backend

The orthology search pipeline is defined in trifusion.orthomcl_pipeline. This module can be used as a CLI program to execute the pipeline and is also used by TriFusion as a library.

The handling and exploration of ortholog group files, the output of the orthology search operation, is made in the trifusion.ortho.OrthomclToolbox module, in particular using the MultiGroupsLight and GroupLight classes.


API documentation for trifusion.orthomcl_pipeline and trifusion.ortho.OrthomclToolbox is still in progress.

Process backend

The main functionality of the Process module (and the TriSeq CLI) program are provided by the modules in the trifusion.process sub package. Classes that handle alignment data are defined in trifusion.process.sequence, while data set partitions are handled in the module.

Statistics backend

The generation of plot data in the Statistics screen or by the TriStats CLI program is a joint effort between the AlignmentList class and the plotting functions defined in the trifusion.base.plotter module. Briefly, the methods of the AlignmentList class are responsible for generating the data and plotting instructions, while the functions in the trifusion.base.plotter module receive that information and generate the plot.
