Source code for trifusion.ortho.orthomclBlastParser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import sqlite3 as lite
from decimal import Decimal

    from process.error_handling import KillByUser
except ImportError:
    from trifusion.process.error_handling import KillByUser

cur = None

Read all fasta files from a folder, placing the genes present on those fasta
into a single variable

[docs]def get_genes(files_dir): genes = {} # Filter hidden files and not fasta files (from extension) files_list = [x for x in os.listdir(files_dir) if not x.startswith(".") or x.endswith(".fasta") or x.endswith(".fas") or x.endswith(".fa")] # for all fast files in fasta directory for fasta in files_list: # get taxon from file name splitted = fasta.split(".") taxon = splitted[0] # open file fasta_file = open(os.path.join(files_dir, fasta), "r") gene = '' length = 0 for line in fasta_file: # clean '\n' line = line.strip() # ignore empty lines and stop codons if not line: # or line.endswith("*"): continue new_gene = True if line.startswith(">") else False if new_gene: # save previous gene info if gene: genes[gene][VAR_LENGTH] = length # save new gene info gene = line[1:] genes[gene] = [None, taxon] # reset vars length = 0 else: length += len(line) genes[gene][VAR_LENGTH] = length fasta_file.close() return genes
[docs]def get_taxon_and_length(subject, genes): subject["queryTaxon"] = genes[subject["queryId"]][VAR_TAXON] subject["subjectTaxon"] = genes[subject["subjectId"]][VAR_TAXON] subject["queryLength"] = genes[subject["queryId"]][VAR_LENGTH] subject["subjectLength"] = genes[subject["subjectId"]][VAR_LENGTH] try: subject["subjectTaxon"] except KeyError: print ("couldn't find taxon for gene " + subject["subjectId"]) try: subject["queryTaxon"] except KeyError: print ("couldn't find taxon for gene " + subject["queryId"]) return subject["queryLength"] < subject["subjectLength"]
[docs]def format_evalue(evalue): if evalue == '0': return 0, 0 evalue = "{:.2E}".format(Decimal(evalue)) if evalue.startswith('e'): evalue = '1' + evalue return [round(float(x), 2) for x in evalue.split("E")]
[docs]def non_overlapping_match(subject): # flatten lists hsps = subject["hspspans"] hsps.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[0])) original = hsps.pop(0) if not original: return 0 start = 0 end = 1 original = get_start_end(original) length = 0 for h in hsps: h = get_start_end(h) # does not extend if h[end] <= original[end]: continue # overlaps if h[start] <= original[end]: # extend end ... already dealt with if new end is less original = (original[start], h[end]) # there is a gap in between else: length += (original[end] - original[start]) + 1 original = (h[start], h[end]) length += (original[end] - original[start]) + 1 # deal with the last one return length
# flip orientation if nec.
[docs]def get_start_end(h): start = int(h[0]) end = int(h[1]) if start > end: return end, start return start, end
[docs]def orthomcl_blast_parser(blast_file, fasta_dir, db_dir, nm): # create connection to DB con = lite.connect(os.path.join(db_dir, "orthoDB.db")) with con: #global cur cur = con.cursor() prev_subjectid = '' prev_queryid = '' # hash to hold subject info subject = {} # Set progress information if nm: if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") total = 0 for total, _ in enumerate(open(blast_file)): pass = total nm.msg = None nm.counter = 0 # parse fasta files genes = get_genes(fasta_dir) blast_fh = open(blast_file, "r") for line in blast_fh: if nm: if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") nm.counter += 1 splitted = line.split() query_id = splitted[0] subject_id = splitted[1] percent_identity = splitted[2] length = int(splitted[3]) query_start = splitted[6] query_end = splitted[7] subject_start = splitted[8] subject_end = splitted[9] evalue = splitted[10] if query_id != prev_queryid or subject_id != prev_subjectid: # print previous subject if subject: print_previous_subject(subject, cur) # initialize new one from first HSP prev_subjectid = subject_id prev_queryid = query_id # from first hsp tup = format_evalue(evalue) subject = {"queryId": query_id} subject["subjectId"] = subject_id subject["queryShorter"] = get_taxon_and_length(subject, genes) subject["evalueMant"] = tup[0] subject["evalueExp"] = tup[1] subject["totalIdentities"] = 0 subject["totalLength"] = 0 subject["hspspans"] = [] # get additional info from subsequent HSPs hspspan = (subject_start, subject_end) if subject and subject["queryShorter"]: hspspan = (query_start, query_end) subject["hspspans"].append(hspspan) subject["totalIdentities"] += float(percent_identity) * length subject["totalLength"] += length print_previous_subject(subject, cur)
# if __name__ == "__main__": # orthomcl_blast_parser("AllVsAll.out", "compliantFasta", ".") __author__ = "Fernando Alves and Diogo N. Silva"