



proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Dialog with the About information of the App


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.tabbedpanel.TabbedPanel

Class controlling the layout of the additional options of the Process screen


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_children(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_do_default_tab(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_strip_border(instance, value)
on_strip_image(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
switch_to(header[, do_scroll]) Switch to a specific panel header.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.textinput.TextInput


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
cancel_selection() Cancel current selection (if any).
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
copy([data]) Copy the value provided in argument data into current clipboard.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
cursor_index([cursor]) Return the cursor index in the text/value.
cursor_offset() Get the cursor x offset on the current line.
cut() Copy current selection to clipboard then delete it from TextInput.
delete_selection([from_undo]) Delete the current text selection (if any).
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
do_backspace([from_undo, mode]) Do backspace operation from the current cursor position.
do_cursor_movement(action[, control, alt]) Move the cursor relative to it’s current position.
do_redo() Do redo operation.
do_undo() Do undo operation.
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_cursor_from_index(index) Return the (row, col) of the cursor from text index.
get_cursor_from_xy(x, y) Return the (row, col) of the cursor from an (x, y) position.
get_focus_next() Returns the next focusable widget using either focus_next or the children similar to the order when tabbing forwards with the tab key.
get_focus_previous() Returns the previous focusable widget using either focus_previous or the children similar to the order when tab + shift key are triggered together.
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
hide_keyboard() Convenience function to hide the keyboard in managed mode.
insert_text(substring[, from_undo]) Insert new text at the current cursor position.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, ...)
keyboard_on_key_up(window, keycode)
keyboard_on_textinput(window, text)
on__hint_text(instance, value)
on_cursor(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_double_tap() This event is dispatched when a double tap happens inside TextInput.
on_handle_image_left(instance, value)
on_handle_image_middle(instance, value)
on_handle_image_right(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_padding_x(instance, value)
on_padding_y(instance, value)
on_quad_touch() This event is dispatched when four fingers are touching inside TextInput.
on_selection_text(instance, value)
on_size(instance, value)
on_suggestion_text(instance, value)
on_text(instance, value)
on_triple_tap() This event is dispatched when a triple tap happens inside TextInput.
paste() Insert text from system Clipboard into the TextInput at current cursor position.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
redraw() Note: This methods depends on internal variables of its TextInput
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
reset_undo() Reset undo and redo lists from memory.
select_all() Select all of the text displayed in this TextInput.
select_text(start, end) Select a portion of text displayed in this TextInput.
setter Return the setter of a property.
show_keyboard() Convenience function to show the keyboard in managed mode.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a string value.

defaultvalue: string, defaults to ‘’

Specifies the default value of the property.

on_size(instance, value)[source]
on_text(instance, value)[source]

Note: This methods depends on internal variables of its TextInput base class (_lines_rects and _refresh_text())


Property that represents a string value.

defaultvalue: string, defaults to ‘’

Specifies the default value of the property.


Bases: kivy.uix.textinput.TextInput

Modified widget of text input in which the tab key does not introduce a tabular space. This is meant to use with _auto_completion, in which the tab key serves as a keybinding


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
cancel_selection() Cancel current selection (if any).
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
copy([data]) Copy the value provided in argument data into current clipboard.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
cursor_index([cursor]) Return the cursor index in the text/value.
cursor_offset() Get the cursor x offset on the current line.
cut() Copy current selection to clipboard then delete it from TextInput.
delete_selection([from_undo]) Delete the current text selection (if any).
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
do_backspace([from_undo, mode]) Do backspace operation from the current cursor position.
do_cursor_movement(action[, control, alt]) Move the cursor relative to it’s current position.
do_redo() Do redo operation.
do_undo() Do undo operation.
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_cursor_from_index(index) Return the (row, col) of the cursor from text index.
get_cursor_from_xy(x, y) Return the (row, col) of the cursor from an (x, y) position.
get_focus_next() Returns the next focusable widget using either focus_next or the children similar to the order when tabbing forwards with the tab key.
get_focus_previous() Returns the previous focusable widget using either focus_previous or the children similar to the order when tab + shift key are triggered together.
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
hide_keyboard() Convenience function to hide the keyboard in managed mode.
insert_text(substring[, from_undo])
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, ...)
keyboard_on_key_up(window, keycode)
keyboard_on_textinput(window, text)
on__hint_text(instance, value)
on_cursor(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_double_tap() This event is dispatched when a double tap happens inside TextInput.
on_handle_image_left(instance, value)
on_handle_image_middle(instance, value)
on_handle_image_right(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_padding_x(instance, value)
on_padding_y(instance, value)
on_quad_touch() This event is dispatched when four fingers are touching inside TextInput.
on_selection_text(instance, value)
on_size(instance, value)
on_suggestion_text(instance, value)
on_triple_tap() This event is dispatched when a triple tap happens inside TextInput.
paste() Insert text from system Clipboard into the TextInput at current cursor position.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
reset_undo() Reset undo and redo lists from memory.
select_all() Select all of the text displayed in this TextInput.
select_text(start, end) Select a portion of text displayed in this TextInput.
setter Return the setter of a property.
show_keyboard() Convenience function to show the keyboard in managed mode.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.
insert_text(substring, from_undo=False)[source]

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class controlling the layout of a general purpose dialog to check if the user wants of perform a certain action


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

This is part of the taxa information popup. It contains the closing button


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.



A Simple (X) float button akin to the RemoveFloat widget. This widget was created specifically for popups and updates its positon according to the position of popus when resizing.


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.



proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.


Modification of Popup class with a few additional feature.

.: The title does not wrap, but instead is shortened .: A custom background may be provided using the custom_background attribute


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dismiss(*largs, **kwargs) Close the view if it is open.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on__anim_alpha(instance, value)
on__container(instance, value)
on_content(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
open(*largs) Show the view window from the attach_to widget.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a string value.

defaultvalue: string, defaults to ‘’

Specifies the default value of the property.


Property that represents a string value.

defaultvalue: string, defaults to ‘’

Specifies the default value of the property.


Property that represents a string value.

defaultvalue: string, defaults to ‘’

Specifies the default value of the property.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

The Execution dialog for Process operations


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.label.Label


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.spinner.Spinner


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_is_open(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout,


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.filechooser.FileChooserListView

Modification of the FileChooserListView widget that fixes an issue of path update when clicking in the parent directory


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
cancel(*largs) Cancel any background action started by filechooser, such as loading a new directory.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
entry_released(entry, touch) (internal) This method must be called by the template when an entry
entry_touched(entry, touch) (internal) This method must be called by the template when an entry
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_nice_size(fn) Pass the filepath.
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_dir_entry() Event triggered when entering a directory
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_double_click() Even triggered when double clicking a file
on_entry_added(node[, parent])
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_remove_subentry(subentry, entry)
on_subentry_to_entry(subentry, entry)
on_submit(selected[, touch])
open_entry(entry) Modification of the open entry method so that when the entry.path is
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y, **k)
to_parent(x, y, **k)
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.
entry_touched(entry, touch)[source]

(internal) This method must be called by the template when an entry is touched by the user.


Event triggered when entering a directory


Even triggered when double clicking a file


Modification of the open entry method so that when the entry.path is ”../”, the path is updated to the parent directory, instead of appending the entry.path


Bases: kivy.uix.filechooser.FileChooserListView

Modification of the FileChooserIconView widget that fixes n issue of path update when clicking in the parent directory and provides support for multiple file selection using Shift+Click. To achieve this, a few methods were added that listen to keyboard input in order to capture when the shift key is being pressed. These methods change the new shift attribute of the class, which is used when an entry is touched.

The current Shift+Click implementation supports forward and backward selection from the last entry touched.


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
cancel(*largs) Cancel any background action started by filechooser, such as loading a new directory.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
entry_released(entry, touch) Overides the entry_released method to prevent double entries when double clicking a directory without multiselect.
entry_touched(entry, touch) (internal) This method must be called by the template when an entry
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_nice_size(fn) Pass the filepath.
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
keyboard_listen(*vals) Listens to keyboard when a key is pressed.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_dir_entry() Event triggered when entering a directory
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_double_click() Even triggered when double clicking a file
on_entry_added(node[, parent])
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_remove_subentry(subentry, entry)
on_subentry_to_entry(subentry, entry)
on_submit(selected[, touch])
open_entry(entry) Modification of the open entry method so that when the entry.path is
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
release_shift(*vals) Listens to keyboard when a key is released.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y, **k)
to_parent(x, y, **k)
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.
control = False
entry_released(entry, touch)[source]

Overides the entry_released method to prevent double entries when double clicking a directory without multiselect.

entry_touched(entry, touch)[source]

(internal) This method must be called by the template when an entry is touched by the user. Supports Shift+Clicking for multiple selection


Listens to keyboard when a key is pressed. It is used to set the shift attribute to True when Shift is being pressed :param vals: keyboard input


Event triggered when entering a directory


Even triggered when double clicking a file


Modification of the open entry method so that when the entry.path is ”../”, the path is updated to the parent directory, instead of appending the entry.path

prev_touch = False

Listens to keyboard when a key is released. It is used to set the shift attribute to False when the Shift key is released. :param vals: :return:

shift = False

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class with a custom BoxLayout controlling the informative popup for the
file buttons in the File tab of the side panel


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class controlling the layout of the gap/missing filtering options in the Process screen


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class controlling the layout of the output format dialog in the Process screen


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a string value.

defaultvalue: string, defaults to ‘’

Specifies the default value of the property.


Property that represents a numeric value.

defaultvalue: int or float, defaults to 0

Specifies the default value of the property.

>>> wid = Widget()
>>> wid.x = 42
>>> print(wid.x)
>>> wid.x = "plop"
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
   File "properties.pyx", line 93, in
   File "properties.pyx", line 111, in
   File "properties.pyx", line 159, in
 ValueError: NumericProperty accept only int/float

Changed in version 1.4.1: NumericProperty can now accept custom text and tuple value to indicate a type, like “in”, “pt”, “px”, “cm”, “mm”, in the format: ‘10pt’ or (10, ‘pt’).


Property that represents a string value.

defaultvalue: string, defaults to ‘’

Specifies the default value of the property.




proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class controlling the dialog with extra options for the IMa2 output format


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Dialog for help texts that can be accessed for several options using the ”?” button


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Dialog with list of input files to select file for reverse concatenation


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.




proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.label.Label

Modification of label to reformat label for path linking


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
create_ref_label(text) Modifies the original label by adding references to each directory in
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.
static create_ref_label(text)[source]

Modifies the original label by adding references to each directory in the path


Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.

After this function call, the texture and texture_size will be updated in this order.


Bases: kivy.uix.label.Label


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class controlling a general purpose layout for loading additional files


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.anchorlayout.AnchorLayout

Custom button widget for for the “load more button” in the side panel


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

A Filechooser widget in Icon view that allows multpiple file choosing


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Dialog for the progression dialog when loading files into the program


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.floatlayout.FloatLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
do_layout(*largs, **kwargs)
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.



proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.



proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.modalview.ModalView


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dismiss(*largs, **kwargs) Close the view if it is open.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on__anim_alpha(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
open(*largs) Show the view window from the attach_to widget.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.spinner.Spinner

Custom Spinner that takes a background_normal argument to set the background


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_is_open(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button

General use mouse over label for diverse buttons


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.slider.Slider


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.label.Label


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.



proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.gridlayout.GridLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_children(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.tabbedpanel.TabbedPanel


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_children(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_do_default_tab(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_strip_border(instance, value)
on_strip_image(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
switch_to(header[, do_scroll]) Switch to a specific panel header.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.



proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.



proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.



proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Custom layout for partition box when editing partitions


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.


Dialog for the Label with the path for the main file chooser


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
create_ref_label(text) Modifies the original label by adding references to each directory in
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.


Dialog for the TextInput for the main file chooser that controls the path
and inherits from the custom AutoCompTextInput for auto completion


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
cancel_selection() Cancel current selection (if any).
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
copy([data]) Copy the value provided in argument data into current clipboard.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
cursor_index([cursor]) Return the cursor index in the text/value.
cursor_offset() Get the cursor x offset on the current line.
cut() Copy current selection to clipboard then delete it from TextInput.
delete_selection([from_undo]) Delete the current text selection (if any).
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
do_backspace([from_undo, mode]) Do backspace operation from the current cursor position.
do_cursor_movement(action[, control, alt]) Move the cursor relative to it’s current position.
do_redo() Do redo operation.
do_undo() Do undo operation.
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_cursor_from_index(index) Return the (row, col) of the cursor from text index.
get_cursor_from_xy(x, y) Return the (row, col) of the cursor from an (x, y) position.
get_focus_next() Returns the next focusable widget using either focus_next or the children similar to the order when tabbing forwards with the tab key.
get_focus_previous() Returns the previous focusable widget using either focus_previous or the children similar to the order when tab + shift key are triggered together.
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
hide_keyboard() Convenience function to hide the keyboard in managed mode.
insert_text(substring[, from_undo])
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, ...)
keyboard_on_key_up(window, keycode)
keyboard_on_textinput(window, text)
on__hint_text(instance, value)
on_cursor(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_double_tap() This event is dispatched when a double tap happens inside TextInput.
on_handle_image_left(instance, value)
on_handle_image_middle(instance, value)
on_handle_image_right(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_padding_x(instance, value)
on_padding_y(instance, value)
on_quad_touch() This event is dispatched when four fingers are touching inside TextInput.
on_selection_text(instance, value)
on_size(instance, value)
on_suggestion_text(instance, value)
on_triple_tap() This event is dispatched when a triple tap happens inside TextInput.
paste() Insert text from system Clipboard into the TextInput at current cursor position.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
reset_undo() Reset undo and redo lists from memory.
select_all() Select all of the text displayed in this TextInput.
select_text(start, end) Select a portion of text displayed in this TextInput.
setter Return the setter of a property.
show_keyboard() Convenience function to show the keyboard in managed mode.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class controlling the dialog with extra options for phylip output format


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.popup.Popup


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dismiss(*largs, **kwargs) Close the view if it is open.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on__anim_alpha(instance, value)
on__container(instance, value)
on_content(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
open(*largs) Show the view window from the attach_to widget.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.gridlayout.GridLayout

Class controlling the layout of the general options of the Process screen


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_children(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.image.Image


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_anim_delay(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_texture(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
reload() Reload image from disk.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.image.Image


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_anim_delay(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_texture(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
reload() Reload image from disk.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Informative popup for proteome files when clicking the “i” button in the side panel


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button

Simple (X) float button that can be associated with several root_window widgets for closing buttons


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Reverse concatenation dialog


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.floatlayout.FloatLayout

Class controlling the layout of the save file dialog in the Process screen


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
do_layout(*largs, **kwargs)
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.




proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.




proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.togglebutton.ToggleButton


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_widgets(groupname) Return a list of the widgets contained in a specific group.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.togglebutton.ToggleButton


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_widgets(groupname) Return a list of the widgets contained in a specific group.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y, **k)
to_parent(x, y, **k)
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents only a boolean value.

defaultvalue: boolean

Specifies the default value of the property.


Bases: kivy.uix.label.Label

Mouseover label for side option buttons in the sidepanel


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.togglebutton.ToggleButton


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_widgets(groupname) Return a list of the widgets contained in a specific group.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.widget.Widget


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.



proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.anchorlayout.AnchorLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.textinput.TextInput

Modification of TextInput that only accepts integers


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
cancel_selection() Cancel current selection (if any).
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
copy([data]) Copy the value provided in argument data into current clipboard.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
cursor_index([cursor]) Return the cursor index in the text/value.
cursor_offset() Get the cursor x offset on the current line.
cut() Copy current selection to clipboard then delete it from TextInput.
delete_selection([from_undo]) Delete the current text selection (if any).
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
do_backspace([from_undo, mode]) Do backspace operation from the current cursor position.
do_cursor_movement(action[, control, alt]) Move the cursor relative to it’s current position.
do_redo() Do redo operation.
do_undo() Do undo operation.
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_cursor_from_index(index) Return the (row, col) of the cursor from text index.
get_cursor_from_xy(x, y) Return the (row, col) of the cursor from an (x, y) position.
get_focus_next() Returns the next focusable widget using either focus_next or the children similar to the order when tabbing forwards with the tab key.
get_focus_previous() Returns the previous focusable widget using either focus_previous or the children similar to the order when tab + shift key are triggered together.
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
hide_keyboard() Convenience function to hide the keyboard in managed mode.
insert_text(substring[, from_undo])
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, ...)
keyboard_on_key_up(window, keycode)
keyboard_on_textinput(window, text)
on__hint_text(instance, value)
on_cursor(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_double_tap() This event is dispatched when a double tap happens inside TextInput.
on_handle_image_left(instance, value)
on_handle_image_middle(instance, value)
on_handle_image_right(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_padding_x(instance, value)
on_padding_y(instance, value)
on_quad_touch() This event is dispatched when four fingers are touching inside TextInput.
on_selection_text(instance, value)
on_size(instance, value)
on_suggestion_text(instance, value)
on_triple_tap() This event is dispatched when a triple tap happens inside TextInput.
paste() Insert text from system Clipboard into the TextInput at current cursor position.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
reset_undo() Reset undo and redo lists from memory.
select_all() Select all of the text displayed in this TextInput.
select_text(start, end) Select a portion of text displayed in this TextInput.
setter Return the setter of a property.
show_keyboard() Convenience function to show the keyboard in managed mode.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.
insert_text(substring, from_undo=False)[source]

Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button,


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.button.Button


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.textinput.TextInput


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
cancel_selection() Cancel current selection (if any).
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
copy([data]) Copy the value provided in argument data into current clipboard.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
cursor_index([cursor]) Return the cursor index in the text/value.
cursor_offset() Get the cursor x offset on the current line.
cut() Copy current selection to clipboard then delete it from TextInput.
delete_selection([from_undo]) Delete the current text selection (if any).
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
do_backspace([from_undo, mode]) Do backspace operation from the current cursor position.
do_cursor_movement(action[, control, alt]) Move the cursor relative to it’s current position.
do_redo() Do redo operation.
do_undo() Do undo operation.
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_cursor_from_index(index) Return the (row, col) of the cursor from text index.
get_cursor_from_xy(x, y) Return the (row, col) of the cursor from an (x, y) position.
get_focus_next() Returns the next focusable widget using either focus_next or the children similar to the order when tabbing forwards with the tab key.
get_focus_previous() Returns the previous focusable widget using either focus_previous or the children similar to the order when tab + shift key are triggered together.
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
hide_keyboard() Convenience function to hide the keyboard in managed mode.
insert_text(substring[, from_undo]) Insert new text at the current cursor position.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, ...)
keyboard_on_key_up(window, keycode)
keyboard_on_textinput(window, text)
on__hint_text(instance, value)
on_cursor(instance, value)
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_double_tap() This event is dispatched when a double tap happens inside TextInput.
on_handle_image_left(instance, value)
on_handle_image_middle(instance, value)
on_handle_image_right(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_padding_x(instance, value)
on_padding_y(instance, value)
on_quad_touch() This event is dispatched when four fingers are touching inside TextInput.
on_selection_text(instance, value)
on_size(instance, value)
on_suggestion_text(instance, value)
on_triple_tap() This event is dispatched when a triple tap happens inside TextInput.
paste() Insert text from system Clipboard into the TextInput at current cursor position.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
reset_undo() Reset undo and redo lists from memory.
select_all() Select all of the text displayed in this TextInput.
select_text(start, end) Select a portion of text displayed in this TextInput.
setter Return the setter of a property.
show_keyboard() Convenience function to show the keyboard in managed mode.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.togglebutton.ToggleButton


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_widgets(groupname) Return a list of the widgets contained in a specific group.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
trigger_action([duration]) Trigger whatever action(s) have been bound to the button by calling both the on_press and on_release callbacks.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.label.Label


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.



proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class controlling the layout of the taxa group creation dialogue in the side panel


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class with a custom BoxLayout controlling the informative popup for the
taxa buttons in the Taxa tab of the side panel


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class controlling a simple text input popup


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.treeview.TreeView

Implementation of TreeViewNode widget to support multiple selection in ListView filechoosers


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_node(node[, parent]) Add a new node to the tree.
add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
deselect_node(*args) Deselect any selected node.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_node_at_pos(pos) Get the node at the position (x, y).
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
iterate_all_nodes([node]) Generator to iterate over all nodes from node and down whether expanded or not.
iterate_open_nodes([node]) Generator to iterate over all the expended nodes starting from node and down.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_load_func(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_root_options(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_node(node) Removes a node from the tree.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
select_node(node) Select a node in the tree.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
toggle_node(node) Toggle the state of the node (open/collapsed).
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Boolean to indicate whether multiple nodes may be selected.


Select a node in the tree.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class controlling the layout of a general purpose dialog to warn the user of certain events


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


Bases: kivy.uix.label.Label

The general purpose unintruside warning float for errors and informations. This dialog is added to the root_window with fade in and fade out animations


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index, canvas]) Add a new widget as a child of this widget.
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
remove_widget(widget) Remove a widget from the children of this widget.
setter Return the setter of a property.
texture_update(*largs) Force texture recreation with the current Label properties.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Class controlling the layout of the ZORRO operation dialog


proxy_ref Return a proxy reference to the widget, i.e.


add_widget(widget[, index])
apply_property Adds properties at runtime to the class.
bind Bind an event type or a property to a callback.
clear_widgets([children]) Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget.
collide_point(x, y) Check if a point (x, y) is inside the widget’s axis aligned bounding box.
collide_widget(wid) Check if another widget collides with this widget.
create_property Create a new property at runtime.
dispatch Dispatch an event across all the handlers added in bind/fbind().
events Return all the events in the class.
export_to_png(filename, *args) Saves an image of the widget and its children in png format at the specified filename.
fbind A method for advanced, and typically faster binding.
funbind Similar to fbind().
get_parent_window() Return the parent window.
get_property_observers Returns a list of methods that are bound to the property/event
get_root_window() Return the root window.
get_window_matrix([x, y]) Calculate the transformation matrix to convert between window and widget coordinates.
getter Return the getter of a property.
is_event_type Return True if the event_type is already registered.
layout_hint_with_bounds(sh_sum, ...) (internal) Computes the appropriate (size) hint for all the
on_disabled(instance, value)
on_opacity(instance, value)
on_touch_down(touch) Receive a touch down event.
on_touch_move(touch) Receive a touch move event.
on_touch_up(touch) Receive a touch up event.
properties Return all the properties in the class in a dictionary of key/property class.
property Get a property instance from the property name.
register_event_type Register an event type with the dispatcher.
setter Return the setter of a property.
to_local(x, y[, relative]) Transform parent coordinates to local coordinates.
to_parent(x, y[, relative]) Transform local coordinates to parent coordinates.
to_widget(x, y[, relative]) Convert the given coordinate from window to local widget coordinates.
to_window(x, y[, initial, relative]) Transform local coordinates to window coordinates.
unbind Unbind properties from callback functions with similar usage as bind().
unbind_uid Uses the uid returned by fbind() to unbind the callback.
unregister_event_types Unregister an event type in the dispatcher.
walk([restrict, loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree starting with this widget and goes forward returning widgets in the order in which layouts display them.
walk_reverse([loopback]) Iterator that walks the widget tree backwards starting with the widget before this, and going backwards returning widgets in the reverse order in which layouts display them.

Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.