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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright 2012 Unknown <diogo@arch>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

import re
from os.path import basename, splitext, join
from os import sep
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]class PartitionException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class InvalidPartitionFile(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class Partitions(object): """Alignment partitions interface for `Alignment` and `AlignmentList`. The Partitions class is used to define partitions for `Alignment` and `AlignmentList` objects and associate substitution models to each partition. After instantiating, partitions may be set in two ways: - Partition files: Being Nexus charset blocks and RAxML partition files currently supported - Tuple-like objects: Containing the ranges and names of the partitions Attributes ---------- partition_length : int Length of the total partitions. partitions : OrderedDict Storage of partition names (key) and their range (values). partitions_index : list The index (starting point) for each partition, including codon partitions. partitions_alignments : OrderedDict Storage of the partition names (key) and their corresponding alignment files (values). alignments_range : OrderedDict Storage of the alignment names (key) and their range (values). models : OrderedDict Storage of partition names (key) and their models (values). merged_files : dict Storage of the original range (values) of every alignment file (key). counter : int Indicator of where the last partition ended. partition_format : str Format of the original partition file, if any. """ _models = {"mrbayes": {}} # ========================================================================= # MrBayes models # ========================================================================= """ MrBayes substitution models are stored in the dictionary _models["mrbayes"]. The keys of the dictionary are the name of the substitution models (usually in capital letters) and the values will contain the instructions to specific such model in a list. Each element of the list corresponds to one line """ # GTR _models["mrbayes"]["GTR"] = ["nst=6", "statefreqpr=dirichlet(1,1,1,1)"] # SYM _models["mrbayes"]["SYM"] = ["nst=6", "statefreqpr=fixed(equal)"] # HKY _models["mrbayes"]["HKY"] = ["nst=2", "statefreqpr=dirichlet(1,1,1,1)"] # K2P _models["mrbayes"]["K2P"] = ["nst=2", "statefreqpr=fixed(equal)"] # F81 _models["mrbayes"]["F81"] = ["nst=1", "statefreqpr=dirichlet(1,1,1,1)"] # JC _models["mrbayes"]["JC"] = ["nst=1", "statefreqpr=fixed(equal)"] def __init__(self): self.partition_length = 0 """ The length of the locus may be necessary when partitions are defined in the input files using the "." notation, meaning the entire locus. Therefore, to convert this notation into workable integers, the size of the locus must be provided using the set_length method. """ self.partitions = OrderedDict() """ partitions will contain the name and range of the partitions for a given alignment object. Both gene and codon partitions will be stored in this attribute, but gene partitions are the main entries. An example of different stored partitions is:: partitions = {"partitionA": ((0, 856), False), "partitionB": ((857, 1450), [857,858,859] } "partitionA" is a simple gene partition ranging from 0 to 856, while "partitionB" is an assembly of codon partitions. The third element of the tuple is destined to codon partitions. If there are none, it should be False. If there are codon partitions, a list should be provided with the desired initial codons. In the example above, "partitionB" has actually 3 partitions starting at the first, second and third sequence nucleotide of the main partition. """ self.partitions_index = [] """ partitions_index will remember the index of all added partitions. This attribute was created because codon models are added to the same parent partitions, thus losing their actual index. This is important for Nexus files, where models are applied to the index of the partition. This will simply store the partition names, which can be accessed using their index, or searched to return their index. To better support codon partitions, each entry in the partitions_index will consist in a list, in which the first element is the partition name, and the second element is the index of the subpartition. An example would be:: partitions_index = [["partA", 0], ["partA", 1], ["partA", 2], ["partB", 0]] in which, partA has 3 codon partitions, and partB has only one partition """ self.partitions_alignments = OrderedDict() """ The partitions_alignments attribute will associate the partition with the corresponding alignment files. For single alignment partitions, this will provide information on the file name. For multiple alignments, besides the information of the file names, it will associate which alignments are contained in a given partition and support multi alignment partitions. An example would be:: partitions_alignments = {"PartitionA": ["FileA.fas"], "PartitionB": ["FileB.fas", "FileC.fas"]} """ self.alignments_range = OrderedDict() """ """ self.models = OrderedDict() """ The self.models attribute will contain the same key list as self.partitions and will associate the substitution models to each partitions. For each partition, the format should be as follows:: models["partA"] = [[[..model_params..]],[..model_names..], ["12", "3"]] The first element is a list that may contain the substitution model parameters for up to three subpartitions, the second element is also a list with the corresponding names of the substitution models and the third list will store any links between models """ self.merged_files = {} """ This attribute will keep a record of the original ranges of every file that was merged. This is useful to split partitions according to files or to undo any changes. Each entry should be:: {"alignment_file1": (0, 1234), "alignment_file2": (3444, 6291)} """ self.counter = 0 """ The counter attribute will be used as an indication of where the last partition ends when one or more partitions are added """ self.partition_format = None def __iter__(self): """Iterator behavior for `Partitions`. The class iterator will iterate over a list containing the partition names and a modified version of their ranges that is compatible with other software (unlike the 0 offset of python) Returns _ : iter Iterator of `partitions.items()`. """ return iter(self.partitions.items())
[docs] def reset(self, keep_alignments_range=False): """Clears partitions and attributes Clears partitions and resets object to __init__ state. The original alignment range can be retained by setting the `keep_alignments_range` argument to True. Parameters ---------- keep_alignments_range : bool If True, the `alignments_range` attribute will not be reset. """ self.partitions = OrderedDict() self.partitions_index = [] self.partitions_alignments = OrderedDict() self.models = OrderedDict() self.counter = 0 if not keep_alignments_range: self.alignments_range = OrderedDict()
[docs] def iter_files(self): """Iterates over `partitions_alignments.items()`. Returns ------- _ : iter Iterator of `partitions_alignments.items()`. """ return iter(self.partitions_alignments.items())
[docs] def set_length(self, length): """Set total length of current locus (over all partitions). Sets the length of the locus. This may be important to convert certain partition defining nomenclature, such as using the "." to indicate whole length of the alignment Parameters ---------- length : int Integer that will be set as `partition_length`. """ self.partition_length = length
#=========================================================================== # Parsers #=========================================================================== @staticmethod def _get_file_format(partition_file): """Guesses the format of the partition file (Nexus or RAxML's). Returns ------- partition_format : str Format of the partition file ("nexus" or "raxml"). """ file_handle = open(partition_file) # Skips first empty lines, if any header = file_handle.readline() while header.startswith("\n"): header = next(file_handle) fields = header.split() if fields[0].lower() == "charset": partition_format = "nexus" else: partition_format = "raxml" return partition_format
[docs] def read_from_file(self, partitions_file): """Parses partitions from file This method parses a file containing partitions. It supports partitions files similar to RAxML's and NEXUS charset blocks. The NEXUS file, however, must only contain the charset block. The model_nexus argument provides a namespace for the model variable in the nexus format, since this information is not present in the file. However, it assures consistency on the Partition object. Parameters ---------- partitions_file : str Path to partitions file. Raises ------ PartitionException When one partition definition cannot be parsed. """ # Resets previous partitions (except alignments_range) self.reset(keep_alignments_range=True) # Get the format of the partition file self.partition_format = self._get_file_format(partitions_file) part_file = open(partitions_file) # In order to support unsorted partition ranges, the complete # partition set will be stored temporary in memory. Even very large # partition files should result in relatively small data structures. # Once this variable is populated, it will be sorted according to the # first element of the range. temp_ranges = [] # TODO: Add support for codon partitions in raxml format if self.partition_format == "raxml": for p, line in enumerate(part_file): # Ignore empty lines if line.strip() == "": continue # A wrongly formatted raxml partition file may be provided, in # which case an IndexError exception will be raised. This will # handle that exception try: fields = line.split(",") # Get partition name as string partition_name = fields[1].split("=")[0].strip() # Get partition range as list of int partition_range_temp = fields[1].split("=")[1] try: partition_range = [ int(x) - 1 for x in partition_range_temp.strip().split("-")] except ValueError as e: # A ValueError may be raise when there is a "." # notation in the partition range. If so, convert # the "." to the sequence lenght. If no sequence lenght # has been provided raise another exception pr = partition_range_temp.strip().split("-") if pr[1] == ".": if self.partition_length: partition_range = [int(pr[0]) - 1, self.partition_length - 1] else: raise PartitionException( "The length of the locus must be " "provided when partitions are " "defined using '.' notation to " "mean full length") else: raise e # Check which alignment file contains the current partition if self.alignments_range: try: file_name = \ [x for x, y in self.alignments_range.items() if y[0] <= partition_range[0] < y[1]][0] except IndexError: file_name = None else: file_name = None temp_ranges.append([partition_name, file_name, partition_range]) except (IndexError, ValueError): return InvalidPartitionFile( "Badly formatted partitions file in line {} " "with:\n\n{}".format(p + 1, line)) elif self.partition_format == "nexus": for line in part_file: # Ignore empty lines if line.strip() != "": try: res = self.read_from_nexus_string(line, return_res=True) except PartitionException as e: return e if res: temp_ranges.append(res) # Sort partition ranges according to the first element of the range temp_ranges.sort(key=lambda part: part[2][0]) for name, file_name, part_range in temp_ranges: # Add information to partitions storage try: self.add_partition(name, locus_range=part_range, file_name=file_name) except InvalidPartitionFile as e: return e
[docs] def read_from_nexus_string(self, nx_string, file_name=None, return_res=False): """Parses a single nexus string with partition definition. Parameters ---------- nx_string : str String with partition definition file_name : str, optional String with name of the file corresponding to the partition. return_res : bool If True, it will only return the parsed partition information. If False, it will add the parsed partition to the `Partitions` object. """ try: fields = nx_string.split("=") partition_name = fields[0].split()[1].strip() # If this list has 2 elements, it should be a simple gene partition # If it has 3 elements, it should be a codon partition partition_full = re.split(r"[-\\]", fields[1].strip(). replace(";", "").replace("/", "\\")) # If partition is defined using "." notation to mean full length if partition_full[1] == ".": if self.partition_length: partition_range = [int(partition_full[0]) - 1, self.partition_length - 1] else: raise PartitionException("The length of the locus must be " "provided when partitions are " "defined using '.' notation to " "mean full length") else: partition_range = [int(partition_full[0]) - 1, int(partition_full[1]) - 1] # Check which alignment file contains the current partition if self.alignments_range: try: file_name = [x for x, y in self.alignments_range.items() if partition_range[0] in xrange(*y) and partition_range[1] in xrange(*y)][0] except IndexError: pass if return_res: return [partition_name, file_name, partition_range] else: self.add_partition(partition_name, locus_range=partition_range, file_name=file_name) # If, for some reason, the current line cannot be interpreted as a # charset line, ignore it. except IndexError: if return_res: return None else: pass
[docs] def get_partition_names(self): """Returns a list with the name of the partitions Returns ------- names : list List with names of the partitions. When a parent partition has multiple codon partitions, it returns a partition name for every codon starting position present. """ names = [] for part, vals in self.partitions.items(): if vals[1]: names.extend([part + "_%s" % (x + 1) for x in vals[1]]) else: names.append(part) return names
[docs] def read_from_dict(self, dict_obj): """Reads partition information from a dict object Parses partitions defined and stored in a special OrderedDict. The values of dict_obj should be the partition names and their corresponding values should contain the loci range and substitution model, if any. Parameters ---------- dict_obj : OrderedDict Ordered dictionary with the definition of the partitions Examples -------- Here is an example of a `dict_obj`:: dict_obj = OrderedDict(("GeneA", [(0,234), "GTR"]), ("GeneB", [(235, 865), "JC")) """ for k, v in dict_obj: # Determining if value contains only the range or the substitution # model as well if len(v) > 1: self.add_partition(k, locus_range=v[0]) else: self.add_partition(k, locus_range=v[0])
[docs] def is_single(self): """Returns whether the current `Partitions` has single or multiple partitions. Returns ------- _ : bool Returns True is there is only a single partition defined, and False if there are multiple partitions. """ if len(self.partitions) == 1: if not [x for x in self.partitions.values()][0][1]: return True else: return False else: return False
def _find_parent(self, max_range): """Finds the parent partition from a specified range. Finds a parent partition of a codon partition. Parameters ---------- max_range : int The maximum range of the codon partition. Returns ------- part : str The name of the parent partition, from the `partitions` attribute. """ for part, vals in self.partitions.items(): lrange = vals[0] if lrange[1] == max_range: return part
[docs] def add_partition(self, name, length=None, locus_range=None, codon=False, use_counter=False, file_name=None, model_cls=None, auto_correct_name=True): """Adds a new partition. Adds a new partition providing the length or the range of current alignment. If both are provided, the length takes precedence.The range of the partition should be in python index, that is, the first position should be 0 and not 1. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the partition. length : int, optional Length of the alignment. locus_range : list or tuple, optional Range of the partition. codon : list If the codon partitions are already defined, provide the starting points in list format, e.g: [1,2,3]. use_counter : bool If True, `locus_range` will be updated according to the `counter` attribute. file_name : str Name of the alignment file. model_cls : Specified the substitution model that will be set in `models`. auto_correct_name : bool If set to True, when a partition name already exist, add a counter to the end of the name. Notes ----- IMPORTANT NOTE on self.model: The self.model attribute was designed in a way that allows the storage of different substitution models inside the same partition name. This is useful for codon partitions that share the same parent partition name. So, for example, a parent partition named "PartA" with 3 codon partitions can have a different model for each one like this:: self.models["PartA"] = [[[..model1_params..], [..model2_params..], [..model3_params..]], [GTR, GTR, GTR], ["1", "2", "3"]] """ # Check for duplicate names in partitions if name in self.partitions: if auto_correct_name: c = 1 while "{}_{}".format(name, c) in self.partitions: c += 1 else: raise PartitionException("Partition name %s is already in " "partition table" % name) # When length is provided if length: # Add to or update alignments_range attribute. This will store the # original range of the alignment if file_name: if file_name in self.alignments_range: current_range = [self.counter, self.counter + (length - 1)] # If start position is earlier than before, update if current_range[0] < self.alignments_range[file_name][0]: self.alignments_range[file_name][0] = current_range[0] # If stop position if later than before, update if current_range[1] > self.alignments_range[file_name][1]: self.alignments_range[file_name][1] = current_range[1] else: self.alignments_range[file_name] = [ self.counter, self.counter + (length - 1)] # Add partition to index list self.partitions_index.append([name, 0]) # Add partition to alignment list try: self.partitions_alignments[name].append(file_name if file_name else name) except KeyError: self.partitions_alignments[name] = [file_name if file_name else name] # Create empty model attribute for a single partition self.models[name] = [[[]], [None], []] self.partitions[name] = [(self.counter, self.counter + (length - 1)), codon] self.counter += length self.partition_length += length # When a list/tuple range is provided elif locus_range: if use_counter: locus_range = (self.counter, self.counter + locus_range[1] - locus_range[0]) # Add to or update alignments_range attribute. This will store the # original range of the alignment if file_name: if file_name in self.alignments_range: if locus_range[0] < self.alignments_range[file_name][0]: self.alignments_range[file_name][0] = locus_range[0] if locus_range[1] > self.alignments_range[file_name][1]: self.alignments_range[file_name][1] = locus_range[1] else: self.alignments_range[file_name] = list(locus_range) # If the maximum range of the current partition is already included # in some other partition, and no codon partitions were provided # using the "codon" argument, then it should be an undefined codon # partition and should be added to an existing partition if locus_range[1] <= self.counter and not codon: # Find the parent partition parent_partition = self._find_parent(locus_range[1]) if not parent_partition: raise InvalidPartitionFile( "Could not find parent partition of {}. Check the" " ranges of your partitions to ensure no range " "overlaps".format(name)) # If no codon partition is present in the parent partition, # create one if not self.partitions[parent_partition][1]: # Add partition to index list self.partitions_index.append([parent_partition, 1]) # Create empty model attribute for two partitions self.models[parent_partition] = [[[], []], [None, None], []] parent_start = self.partitions[parent_partition][0][0] self.partitions[parent_partition][1] = [parent_start, locus_range[0]] else: # Create empty model attribute for additional partitions self.models[parent_partition][0].append([]) self.models[parent_partition][1].append(None) # Add partition to index list self.partitions_index.append([parent_partition, 2]) self.partitions[parent_partition][1].append(locus_range[0]) # If the start of the current partition is already within the range # of a previous partitions, raise an exception elif locus_range[0] < self.counter: raise InvalidPartitionFile( "Badly formatted partition with range [{}-{}] starts " "inside the range of a previous partitions ({})".format( locus_range[0], locus_range[1], self.counter)) # Else, create the new partition. If codon is provided, the codon # information is automatically added else: if model_cls: self.models[name] = model_cls else: # Create empty model attribute for a single partition self.models[name] = [[[]], [None], []] if codon: self.partitions_index = [[name, x] for x in codon] else: # Add partition to index list self.partitions_index.append([name, 0]) try: self.partitions_alignments[name].append(file_name if file_name else name) except KeyError: self.partitions_alignments[name] = [file_name if file_name else name] self.partitions[name] = [(locus_range[0], locus_range[1]), codon] self.counter = locus_range[1] + 1 self.partition_length = locus_range[1] + 1
[docs] def remove_partition(self, partition_name=None, file_name=None): """Removes partitions. Removes a partitions by a given partition or file name. This will handle any necessary changes on the remaining partitions. The changes will be straightforward for most attributes, such as partitions_index, partitions_alignments and models, but it will require a re-structuring of partitions because the ranges of the subsequent partitions will have to be adjusted. Parameters ---------- partition_name : str Name of the partition. file_name : str Name of the alignment file. """ def rm_part(nm): """ Remove a partition from self.partitions and update the ranges of the remaining partitions """ del self.partitions[nm] new_dic = OrderedDict() counter = 0 for nm, vals in self.partitions.items(): # Check if the starting position of the next partition is the # same as the counter. If so, add the vals to the new dict. # Else, correct the ranges based on the counter if vals[0][0] == counter: new_dic[nm] = vals counter = vals[0][1] + 1 else: # Get lenght of the partition part_len = vals[0][1] - vals[0][0] # Create corrected range part_range = (counter, counter + part_len) # Correct codon position start if any if vals[1]: codon = [counter, counter + 1, counter + 2] else: codon = False new_dic[nm] = [part_range, codon] counter = counter + part_len + 1 return new_dic def remove_routine(part_name): """ Routine that removes a partition based on its name. It ca be used when calling the remove_partition method with the partition_name argument, or with the file_name argument when the partition only contains that file name """ # Remove partition from partition_index self.partitions_index = [x for x in self.partitions_index if x[0] != part_name] # Remove partitions_alignments del self.partitions_alignments[part_name] # Remove models del self.models[part_name] # Remove from partitions self.partitions = rm_part(part_name) if partition_name: # Raise exception if partition name does not exist if partition_name not in self.partitions: raise PartitionException("%s is not a partition name" % partition_name) remove_routine(partition_name) if file_name: # Set file_found to True, when there is a match. If no match is # found, raise a PartitionException at the end of the loop. file_found = False for part, file_list in self.partitions_alignments.items(): if file_name in file_list: file_found = True # If the partitions consists only of the provided file, # Remove the entire partition if len(file_list) == 1: remove_routine(part) # If the partition contains other files, then only remove # the current file from the partition else: self.partitions_alignments[part].remove(file_name) if not file_found: raise PartitionException("%s file does not belong to any" "partition" % file_name)
[docs] def change_name(self, old_name, new_name): """Changes name of a partition. Parameters ---------- old_name : str Original partition name. new_name : str New partition name. """ self.partitions[new_name] = self.partitions.pop(old_name) self.partitions_alignments[new_name] = \ self.partitions_alignments.pop(old_name) self.models[new_name] = self.models.pop(old_name)
[docs] def merge_partitions(self, partition_list, name): """Merges multiple partitions into a single one. Parameters ---------- partition_list : list List with partition names to be merged. name : str Name of new partition """ def merger(ranges): """ Generator that merges ranges in a list of tuples. For example, if ranges is [(1, 234), (235, 456), (560, 607), (607,789)] this generator will yield [(1, 456), (560, 789)] """ previous = 0 last_start = 0 for st, en in ranges: if not previous: last_start = st previous = en elif st - 1 == previous: previous = en else: yield last_start, previous previous = en last_start = st yield last_start, en def flatter(s): """ Creates a flat iterator of tuples. If s is [[(1,2), (2,3)], (4,5)] this will yield ((1,2), (2,3), (4,5)) """ for i in s: if isinstance(i, tuple): yield i else: for j in i: yield j # Get new range new_range = [x for x in merger(flatter((y[0] for x, y in self.partitions.items() if x in partition_list)))] # Add entries for new partition self.partitions[name] = [new_range[0] if len(new_range) == 1 else new_range, False] self.partitions_alignments[name] = list(set([i for x, y in self.partitions_alignments.items() if x in partition_list for i in y])) self.models[name] = [[[]], [None], []] # Delete previous partitions and update merged dict for p in partition_list: if len(self.partitions_alignments[p]) == 1: self.merged_files[self.partitions_alignments[p][0]] = \ self.partitions[p][0] del self.partitions[p] del self.partitions_alignments[p] del self.models[p]
[docs] def split_partition(self, name, new_range=None, new_names=None): """Splits one partition into two. Splits a partitions with `name` into two with the tuple list provided by `new_range`. If new_range is None, This will split the partition by its alignment files instead. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the partition to be split. new_range : list or tuple, optional List of two tuples, containing the ranges of the new partitions. new_names : list, optional The names of the new partitions. """ if new_range: # Add new partitions for n, r in zip(new_names, new_range): self.partitions[n] = [r, False] # Create new partitions_alignments. Keep the original alignment # file for both self.partitions_alignments[n] = self.partitions_alignments[name] self.models[n] = [[[]], [None], []] else: for aln in self.partitions_alignments[name]: # Get original range of alignment file new_range = self.merged_files[aln] # Add new partitions aln_name = basename(aln) self.partitions[aln_name] = [new_range, False] self.partitions_alignments[aln_name] = [aln] self.models[aln_name] = [[[]], [None], []] # Delete original partition del self.partitions[name] del self.partitions_alignments[name] del self.models[name]
# ========================================================================== # Model handling # ==========================================================================
[docs] def parse_nexus_model(self, string): """Parses a substitution model defined in a prset and/or lset command. Parameters ---------- string : str String with the prset or lset command. """ string = string.lower() # Find out which partitions the current parameters apply to. If # detected, it should be something like "applyto=(1,2)" applyto = re.findall(r"applyto=\(.*\)", string) # Find parameters nst = re.findall(r"nst=[0-9]", string) statefreqpr = re.findall(r"statefreqpr=.*\)", string) # Collect params params = [x[0] for x in [nst, statefreqpr] if x] if applyto: if applyto == ["applyto=(all)"]: for partition in self.partitions: self.models[partition][0] += params else: # Get target partitions part_index = [int(x) for x in re.split("[()]", applyto[0])[1].split(",")] for i in part_index: part = self.partitions_index[i - 1] # Get partition name part_name = part[0] # Get subpartition index. 0 if single partition, other if # multiple subpartition part_subpart = part[1] self.models[part_name][0][part_subpart] += params
[docs] def get_model_name(self, params): """Given a list of parameters, return the name of the model Parameters ---------- p : list List of prset/lset parameters Returns ------- model : str or None Returns the name of the model if it finds. Else, returns None. """ for model, p in self._models["mrbayes"].items(): if params == p: return model else: return None
[docs] def set_model(self, partition, models, links=None, apply_all=False): """Sets substitution model for a given partition. Parameters ---------- partition : str Partition name. models : list Model names for each of the three codon partitions. If there are no codon partitions, provide only a single element to the list. links : list Provide potential links between codon models. For example, if codon 1 and 2 are to be linked, it should be: links=["12", "3"] apply_all : bool If True, the current model will be applied to all partitions. """ # Get list with partitions to be changed if apply_all: plist = [x for x in self.partitions] else: plist = [partition] # Replace "No model" string with None models = [None if x == "No model" else x for x in models] # Set model to the whole partition if len(models) == 1: # If the current partition was previously defined as having codon # partitions, revert it for p in plist: if self.partitions[p][1]: self.partitions[p][1] = False self.models[p][1] = models # Set codon models else: for p in plist: # Change the partition in self.partitions to have codon # partitions st_idx = self.partitions[p][0][0] self.partitions[p][1] = [st_idx + x for x in range(3)] self.models[p][1] = models self.models[p][2] = links
[docs] def write_to_file(self, output_format, output_file, model="LG"): """Writes partitions to a file. Writes the Partitions object into an output file according to the output_format. The supported output formats are RAxML and Nexus. The `model` option is for the RAxML format only. Parameters ---------- output_format : str Output format of partitions file. Can be either "nexus" or "raxml". output_file : str Path to output file. model : str Name of the model for the partitions. "raxml" format only. """ if output_format == "raxml": outfile_handle = open(output_file + ".part.File", "w") for part, rge in self.partitions.items(): partition_range = "-".join([str(x + 1) for x in rge[0]]) outfile_handle.write("%s, %s = %s\n" % (model, part, partition_range)) outfile_handle.close() elif output_format == "nexus": outfile_handle = open(output_file + ".charset", "w") for part, rge in self.partitions.items(): outfile_handle.write("charset %s = %s;\n" % ( part, "-".join([str(x + 1) for x in rge[0]]))) outfile_handle.close() return 0
[docs]class Zorro(object): """ Class that handles the concatenation of zorro weights. Parameters ---------- alignment_list : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. suffix : str Suffix of the zorro weight files, based on the corresponding input alignments. zorro_dir : str Path to directory where zorro weight files are stored. """ def __init__(self, alignment_list, suffix="_zorro.out", zorro_dir=None): self.weigth_values = [] self.suffix = suffix for file_path in [x.path for x in alignment_list.alignments.values()]: # If zorro_dir is provided, use the specified path if zorro_dir: zorro_file = splitext(file_path.split(sep)[-1])[0] zorro_file = "{}{}.txt".format(join(zorro_dir, zorro_file), suffix) # If zorro_dir is not provided, use the same path as the input alignment else: zorro_file = file_path.split(".")[0] + self.suffix + ".txt" # alignment file is shared with the corresponding zorro file zorro_handle = open(zorro_file) self.weigth_values += [int(round(float(weigth.strip()))) for weigth in zorro_handle]
[docs] def write_to_file(self, output_file): """ Creates a concatenated file with the zorro weights for the corresponding alignment files.""" outfile = output_file + "_zorro.out" outfile_handle = open(outfile, "w") for weigth in self.weigth_values: outfile_handle.write("%s\n" % weigth) outfile_handle.close()
__author__ = "Diogo N. Silva"