Source code for trifusion.process.base

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright 2012 Unknown <diogo@arch>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

The `base` module includes the `Base` class, which is inherited by `Alignment`
and `AlignmentList` classes and provides several methods of general use.

It also defines the `CleanUp` decorator used by TriSeq and TriStats
to handle the generation of temporary data during their execution as well
as keyboard interruptions.

    from process.error_handling import InputError, EmptyAlignment
except ImportError:
    from trifusion.process.error_handling import InputError, EmptyAlignment

import os
import sys
import time
import shutil
import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter

dna_chars = ["a", "t", "g", "c"]

aminoacid_table = OrderedDict({"a": ["Alanine", "nonpolar", "neutral"],
                               "r": ["Arginine", "polar", "positive"],
                               "n": ["Asparagine", "polar", "neutral"],
                               "d": ["Aspartate", "polar", "negative"],
                               "c": ["Cysteine", "nonpolar", "neutral"],
                               "e": ["Glutamate", "polar", "negative"],
                               "q": ["Glutamine", "polar", "neutral"],
                               "g": ["Glycine", "nonpolar", "neutral"],
                               "h": ["Histidine", "polar", "neutral"],
                               "i": ["Isoleucine", "nonpolar", "neutral"],
                               "l": ["Leucine", "nonpolar", "neutral"],
                               "k": ["Lysine", "polar", "positive"],
                               "m": ["Methionine", "nonpolar", "neutral"],
                               "f": ["Phenylalanine", "nonpolar", "neutral"],
                               "p": ["Proline", "nonpolar", "neutral"],
                               "s": ["Serine", "polar", "neutral"],
                               "t": ["Threonine", "polar", "neutral"],
                               "w": ["Tryptophan", "nonpolar", "neutral"],
                               "y": ["Tyrosine", "polar", "neutral"],
                               "v": ["Valine", "nonpolar", "neutral"],
                               "u": ["Selenocysteine", "", ""],
                               "o": ["Pyrrolysine", "", ""],
                               "x": ["Missing", "", ""]})

iupac = {"ag": "r", "ct": "y", "cg": "s", "at": "w", "gt": "k", "ac": "m",
         "cgt": "b", "agt": "d", "act": "h", "acg": "v", "acgt": "n"}

iupac_rev = {"v": "acg", "r": "ag", "m": "ac", "s": "cg", "d": "agt",
             "b": "cgt", "n": "acgt", "h": "act", "y": "ct", "w": "at",
             "k": "gt"}

iupac_conv = {"v": "acg", "r": "ag", "m": "ac", "s": "cg", "d": "agt",
              "b": "cgt", "n": "acgt", "h": "act", "y": "ct", "w": "at",
              "k": "gt", "a": "aa", "t": "tt", "c": "cc", "g": "gg"}

[docs]class CleanUp(object): """Decorator class that handles temporary data for TriSeq and TriStats. This decorator class wraps the main execution functions of TriSeq and TriStats programs. The __init__ requires only the function reference, defines the name of the temporary directory and evaluates whether the provided `func` is from TriSeq or TriStats. The only requirement of `func` is that its first argument is the argparser namespace (that is, the arguments must be parsed in the corresponding program before calling the main function). Parameters ---------- func : function Main function of TriSeq or TriStats Attributes ---------- func : function Main function of TriSeq or TriStats temp_dir : str Path to temporary directory where the temporary data will be stored idx : int Integer identifier of the main function's program. 0 for TriSeq and 2 for TriStats See Also -------- print_col """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func # Set name of temporary directory self.temp_dir = ".trifusion-temp" # Evaluate whether func is from TriSeq or TriStats from its name self.idx = 0 if self.func.__name__ == "main_parser" else 2
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): """Wraps the call of `func`. When the main `func` is called, this code is wrapped around its execution. This mainly ensures that the temporary data stored in `temp_dir` is correctly removed at the end of the execution, whether it terminals successfully or not. It also clocks the duration of the execution. Parameters ---------- args : list Arbitrary list of positional arguments of `func`. The only requirement is that the first element is the argparse namespace object. """ try: # Set starting time for clocking execution duration start_time = time.time() # Execute main function self.func(*args) # If program was not executed with 'quiet' flag, print final # execution message if not args[0].quiet: print_col("Program execution successfully completed in %s " "seconds" % (round(time.time() - start_time, 2)), GREEN, self.idx) # Handle execution termination via Ctrl+C. Ensures that all temporary # data is remove. except KeyboardInterrupt: # Removing temporary directory, if any if os.path.exists(self.temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir) print_col("Interrupting, by your command", RED, self.idx) # The broad exception handling is used to remove the temporary # directory under any circumstances except Exception: traceback.print_exc() # Removing temporary directory, if any if os.path.exists(self.temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir) if not args[0].quiet: print_col("Program exited with errors!", RED, self.idx) # Removing temporary directory, if any if os.path.exists(self.temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
[docs]def merger(ranges): """Generator that merges continuous ranges of tuples in a list. Parameters ---------- ranges : list List of tuples, each with two integer elements defining a range, (0, 100) for instance. Example ------- If the provide ranges are [(1, 234), (235, 456), (560, 607), (607,789)] this generator will yield the elements (1, 456) and (560, 789) """ previous = 0 last_start = 0 for st, en in ranges: if not previous: last_start = st previous = en elif st - 1 == previous: previous = en else: yield last_start, previous previous = en last_start = st yield last_start, en
def has_colours(stream): if not hasattr(stream, "isatty"): return False if not stream.isatty(): return False # auto color only on TTYs try: import curses curses.setupterm() return curses.tigetnum("colors") > 2 except: # guess false in case of error return False # Support for terminal colors BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE = range(8) has_colours = has_colours(sys.stdout)
[docs]class Base(object):
[docs] def autofinder(self, reference_file): """Autodetects format, missing data symbol and sequence type. Attempts to find the file format, missing data symbol and sequence type from a reference file. Due to performance reasons, this function will only read the `referenced_file` until it finds the first sequence. Then, it evaluates the file format and sequence type. It also attempts to get the missing data symbol, but the first sequence may have no missing data. In that case, the missing data symbol will remain undefined and will be re-evaluated during alignment parsing. Parameters ---------- reference_file : str Path to sequence file Returns ------- fmt : str File format of `reference_file` code : tuple The sequence type as string in first element and missing data symbol as string in the second element See Also -------- guess_code """ file_handle = open(reference_file, "r") # Set to True when the format has been detected format_found = False # If input file is not a simple text file, which means it's invalid, # handle this exception try: header = file_handle.readline() except UnicodeDecodeError: return InputError("Invalid input file.") try: # Skips first empty lines, if any while header.startswith("\n"): header = next(file_handle) # Recognition of NEXUS files is based on the existence of the # string "#NEXUS" in the first non-empty line if header.upper().strip().startswith("#NEXUS"): fmt = "nexus" format_found = True while True: line = next(file_handle) if line.strip().lower() == "matrix": next_line = next(file_handle) while next_line.startswith("\n"): next_line = next(file_handle) sequence = "".join(next_line.split()[1:]).strip() break # Recognition of Stockhold files is based on the existence of the # string "# stockholm" in the first non-empty line # (case insensitive) elif header.upper().strip().startswith("# STOCKHOLM") or \ header.upper().strip().startswith("#STOCKHOLM"): fmt = "stockholm" format_found = True while True: line = file_handle.readline() if not line.startswith("#") and line.strip() != "": sequence = line.split()[1] break # Recognition of FASTA or .loci files is based on the existence # of a ">" character as the first character of a non-empty line elif header.strip().startswith(">"): next_line = next(file_handle) if next_line.strip().startswith(">"): fmt = "loci" format_found = True sequence = header.split()[-1].strip() else: fmt = "fasta" format_found = True sequence = next_line.strip() for line in file_handle: if line.strip() != "" and line.strip()[0] != ">": sequence += line.strip() elif line.strip() != "" and line.strip()[0] == ">": break # Recognition of Phylip files is based on the existence of two # integers separated by whitespace on the first non-empy line elif len(header.strip().split()) == 2 and header.strip().split()[0]\ .isdigit() and header.strip().split()[1].isdigit(): fmt = "phylip" format_found = True sequence = "".join(file_handle.readline().split()[1:]).strip() # Recognition of ipyrad loci file, which does not start with a ">" # character if not format_found: while not header.startswith("//"): try: header = next(file_handle) except StopIteration: break if header.startswith("//"): if header.count("|") == 2: fmt = "loci" format_found = True sequence = next(file_handle).split()[1] # Check if there is any sequence. If not, the alignment file has no # sequence if not format_found: return InputError("Unknown input file format.") if sequence.replace("-", "") == "": return EmptyAlignment("Alignment is empty") # Guessing the genetic code code = self.guess_code(sequence) except StopIteration: return EmptyAlignment("Alignment is empty") return fmt, code
[docs] def get_loci_taxa(loci_file): """ Get the list of taxa from a .loci file. This is required prior to parsing the alignment in order to correctly add missing data when certain taxa are not present in a locus Parameters ---------- loci_file : str Path to the .loci file. Returns ------- taxa_list : list List of the taxon names as strings. """ file_handle = open(loci_file) taxa_list = [] for line in file_handle: # Skip empty lines and lines starting with // # The .lstrip(">") supports the new format of pyRAD's .loci # where taxon names start with a ">" character if not line.strip().startswith("//") and line.strip() != "": taxon = line.strip().split()[0].lstrip(">") if taxon not in taxa_list: taxa_list.append(taxon) return taxa_list
[docs] def guess_code(sequence): """ Guess the sequence type, i.e. protein. Guesses the code of the provided `sequence`, that is, if it is a DNA or Protein sequence based on the first sequence of the reference file. The second item of the returned `code` variable is a placeholder for the missing data symbol (can be either "?", "n" or "x"). This symbol will be evaluated during the Alignment parsing. Parameters ---------- sequence : string Sequence string that will be used to guess the type Returns ------- code : list Provides the (<sequence type>, <missing symbol character>). sequence type can be either "DNA" or "Protein". The missing symbol character may be "?", "n", "x" or None (See Notes). See also -------- autofinder process.sequence.Alignment.read_alignment Notes ----- The missing symbol character that is provided in the returned `code` tuple may be None if the missing character cannot be determined from the first reference sequence that is used to guess the sequence type. If none of the potential missing data symbol is present in this reference sequence, it will remain undetermined and will be evaluated during the alignment parsing. """ # Removes gaps from the sequence so that the frequencies are not biased sequence = sequence.upper().replace("-", "") # Try to evaluate whether missing data is in ? or N/X format. Since # the '?' character should only occur in sequences as missing data # (unlike the N character, which can be an amino acid residue), # we assume that if it exists in the sequence, that's the missing # data character if sequence.count("?"): missing = "?" else: missing = None dna_count = sequence.count("A") + sequence.count("T") + \ sequence.count("G") + sequence.count("C") + \ sequence.count("N") dna_proportion = float(dna_count) / float(len(sequence)) # The 0.9 cut-off has been effective so far if dna_proportion > 0.9: if sequence.count("N"): missing = "n" code = ["DNA", missing] else: if sequence.count("X"): missing = "x" code = ["Protein", missing] return code
[docs] def rm_illegal(taxon_string): """ Removes illegal characters from taxon name. The illegal characters are defined in the `illegal_chars` variable Parameters ---------- taxon_string : str Taxon name Returns ------- clean_name : str Taxon name without illegal characters """ # Additional illegal characters are added here illegal_chars = [":", ",", ")", "(", ";", "[", "]", """, """] clean_name = "".join([char for char in taxon_string if char not in illegal_chars]) return clean_name
[docs] def duplicate_taxa(taxa_list): """ Identified duplicate items in a list. Used to detect, for instance, duplicated taxa in the Alignment object Parameters ---------- taxa_list : list List with taxon names Returns ------- duplicated_taxa : list List with duplicated taxa from `taxa_list` """ duplicated_taxa = [x for x, y in Counter(taxa_list).items() if y > 1] return duplicated_taxa
[docs] def read_basic_csv(file_handle): """ Reads a basic CSV into a list. Parses a simples CSV file with only one column and one or more lines while stripping whitespace. Parameters ---------- file_handle : file object File object of the CSV file Returns ------- result : list Contents of the CSV file with each line in a different entry """ result = [] for line in file_handle: result.append(line.strip()) return result
__author__ = "Diogo N. Silva"