#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2012 Unknown <diogo@arch>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
import warnings
# Suppress import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
import os
import sys
import time
import codecs
import subprocess
import shutil
import traceback
import argparse
from os.path import abspath, join, basename
from process.base import print_col, GREEN, RED
from ortho import OrthomclToolbox as OT
import ortho.orthomclInstallSchema as install_sqlite
import ortho.orthomclPairs as make_pairs_sqlite
import ortho.orthomclDumpPairsFiles as dump_pairs_sqlite
import ortho.orthomclFilterFasta as FilterFasta
import ortho.orthomclBlastParser as BlastParser
import ortho.orthomclMclToGroups as MclGroups
from ortho.error_handling import *
from process.error_handling import KillByUser
except ImportError:
from trifusion.process.base import print_col, GREEN, RED
from trifusion.ortho import OrthomclToolbox as OT
import trifusion.ortho.orthomclInstallSchema as install_sqlite
import trifusion.ortho.orthomclPairs as make_pairs_sqlite
import trifusion.ortho.orthomclDumpPairsFiles as dump_pairs_sqlite
import trifusion.ortho.orthomclFilterFasta as FilterFasta
import trifusion.ortho.orthomclBlastParser as BlastParser
import trifusion.ortho.orthomclMclToGroups as MclGroups
from trifusion.ortho.error_handling import *
from trifusion.process.error_handling import KillByUser
[docs]def install_schema(db_dir):
Install the schema for the mySQL database
:param db_dir: string, directory for the sqlite database
print_col("Creating sqlite database", GREEN, 1)
[docs]def check_unique_field(proteome_file, verbose=False, nm=None):
Checks the original proteome file for a field in the fasta header
that is unique to all sequences
# Some files may have utf8 encoding problems so I used codecs here
file_handle = codecs.open(proteome_file, "r", "cp1252")
header_list = []
header = ""
for line in file_handle:
if nm:
if nm.stop:
raise KillByUser("")
if line.startswith(">"):
header = line[1:].strip()
# Store header in list format
# Get the size of the header fields
header_field_size = len(header.split("|"))
for i in range(header_field_size):
if nm:
if nm.stop:
raise KillByUser("")
temp_list = []
for header in header_list:
if len(temp_list) == len(set(temp_list)) and len(set(temp_list)) ==\
# The orthoMCL program uses an index starting from 1, so the +1 is
# a necessary adjustment
if verbose:
print_col("\t Using unique header field {}".format(i), GREEN, 1)
return i
# Ideally, a unique field should be found before this code. If not, raise
# exception
raise NoUniqueField("The proteome file {} has no unique field".format(
[docs]def prep_fasta(proteome_file, code, unique_id, verbose=False, nm=None):
if verbose:
print_col("\t Preparing file for USEARCH", GREEN, 1)
# Storing header list to check for duplicates
header_list = []
# Storing dictionary with header and sequence for later use
seq_storage = {}
# Will prevent writing
lock = True
# File handles
file_in = open(proteome_file)
file_out = open(proteome_file.split(".")[0] + "_mod.fas", "w")
for line in file_in:
if nm:
if nm.stop:
raise KillByUser("")
if line.startswith(">"):
if line not in header_list:
fields = line.split("|")
unique_str = fields[unique_id].replace(" ", "_")
seq_storage["%s|%s" % (code, unique_str)] = ""
file_out.write(">%s|%s\n" % (code, unique_str))
lock = True
lock = False
elif lock:
seq_storage["%s|%s" % (code, unique_str)] += line.strip()
# Close file handles:
return seq_storage
[docs]def adjust_fasta(file_list, dest, nm=None):
print_col("Adjusting proteome files", GREEN, 1)
# Create compliant fasta directory
cf_dir = join(dest, "backstage_files", "compliantFasta")
if not os.path.exists(cf_dir):
for f in os.listdir(cf_dir):
os.remove(join(cf_dir, f))
# Setup progress information
if nm:
if nm.stop:
# Get total number of files for total progress
nm.total = len(file_list)
nm.counter = 0
for proteome in file_list:
# Get code for proteome
code_name = proteome.split(os.path.sep)[-1].split(".")[0]
if nm:
if nm.stop:
raise KillByUser("")
nm.counter += 1
nm.msg = "Adjusting file {}".format(basename(proteome))
# Check the unique ID field
unique_id = check_unique_field(proteome, True, nm)
# Adjust fasta
# stg = prep_fasta(proteome, code_name, unique_id)
prep_fasta(proteome, code_name, unique_id, nm)
protome_file_name = proteome.split(os.path.sep)[-1].split(".")[0] + \
shutil.move(proteome.split(".")[0] + "_mod.fas",
join(cf_dir, protome_file_name))
[docs]def filter_fasta(min_len, max_stop, db, dest, nm=None):
print_col("Filtering proteome files", GREEN, 1)
cp_dir = join(dest, "backstage_files", "compliantFasta")
FilterFasta.orthomcl_filter_fasta(cp_dir, min_len, max_stop, db, dest, nm)
[docs]def allvsall_usearch(goodproteins, evalue, dest, cpus, usearch_outfile,
usearch_bin="usearch", nm=None):
print_col("Perfoming USEARCH All-vs-All (may take a while...)", GREEN, 1)
# FNULL = open(os.devnull, "w")
usearch_cmd = [usearch_bin,
join(dest, "backstage_files", goodproteins),
join(dest, "backstage_files", goodproteins),
join(dest, "backstage_files", usearch_outfile),
"-evalue", str(evalue),
if nm:
# The subprocess.Popen handler cannot be passed directly in Windows
# due to pickling issues. So I pass the pid of the process instead.
subp = subprocess.Popen(usearch_cmd)
nm.subp = subp.pid
nm.subp = None
_ = subprocess.Popen(usearch_cmd).wait()
[docs]def blast_parser(usearch_ouput, dest, db_dir, nm):
print_col("Parsing BLAST output", GREEN, 1)
join(dest, "backstage_files", usearch_ouput),
join(dest, "backstage_files", "compliantFasta"),
[docs]def pairs(db_dir, nm=None):
print_col("Finding pairs for orthoMCL", GREEN, 1)
make_pairs_sqlite.execute(db_dir, nm=nm)
[docs]def dump_pairs(db_dir, dest, nm=None):
print_col("Dump files from the database produced by the orthomclPairs "
"program", GREEN, 1)
dump_pairs_sqlite.execute(db_dir, dest, nm=nm)
[docs]def mcl(inflation_list, dest, mcl_file="mcl", nm=None):
print_col("Running mcl algorithm", GREEN, 1)
mcl_input = join(dest, "backstage_files", "mclInput")
mcl_output = join(dest, "backstage_files", "mclOutput_")
for val in inflation_list:
mcl_cmd = [mcl_file,
mcl_output + val.replace(".", "")]
if nm:
# The subprocess.Popen handler cannot be passed directly in Windows
# due to pickling issues. So I pass the pid of the process instead.
subp = subprocess.Popen(mcl_cmd)
nm.subp = subp.pid
nm.subp = None
_ = subprocess.Popen(mcl_cmd).wait()
[docs]def mcl_groups(inflation_list, mcl_prefix, start_id, group_file, dest,
print_col("Dumping groups", GREEN, 1)
# Create a results directory
results_dir = join(dest, "Orthology_results")
if not os.path.exists(results_dir):
mcl_output = join(dest, "backstage_files", "mclOutput_")
if nm:
if nm.stop:
raise KillByUser("")
nm.total = len(inflation_list)
nm.counter = 0
for val in inflation_list:
if nm:
if nm.stop:
raise KillByUser("")
nm.counter += 1
mcl_output + val.replace(".", ""),
os.path.join(results_dir, group_file + "_" + str(val) + ".txt"),
[docs]def export_filtered_groups(inflation_list, group_prefix, gene_t, sp_t, sqldb,
db, tmp_dir, dest, nm=None):
print_col("Exporting filtered groups to protein sequence files", GREEN, 1)
stats_storage = {}
groups_obj = OT.MultiGroupsLight(tmp_dir)
if nm:
if nm.stop:
raise KillByUser("")
for val in inflation_list:
# Create a directory that will store the results for the current
# inflation value
inflation_dir = join(dest, "Orthology_results", "Inflation%s" % val)
if not os.path.exists(inflation_dir):
group_file = join(dest, "Orthology_results",
group_prefix + "_%s.txt" % val)
# Create Group object
group_obj = OT.GroupLight(group_file, gene_t, sp_t)
# Add group to the MultiGroups object
# Export filtered groups and return stats to present in the app
stats = group_obj.basic_group_statistics()
# Retrieve fasta sequences from the filtered groups
group_obj.retrieve_sequences(sqldb, db,
dest=join(inflation_dir, "Orthologs"),
# os.remove(sqldb)
stats_storage[val] = stats
return stats_storage, groups_obj
[docs]def main():
# The inclusion of the argument definition in main, makes it possible to
# import this file as a module and not triggering argparse. The
# alternative of using a if __name__ == "__main__" statement does not
# work well with the entry_points parameter of setup.py, since they call
# the main function but do nothing inside said statement.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Command line interface for "
"TriFusion Orthology search module")
parser.add_argument("-in", dest="infile", type=str,
required=True, help="Provide the path "
"to the directory containing the proteome files")
# Execution modes
exec_modes = parser.add_argument_group("Execution modes")
exec_modes.add_argument("-n", action="store_const", const=True,
help="Complete run of the pipeline")
exec_modes.add_argument("-a", action="store_const", const=True,
help="Only adjust proteome fasta files")
exec_modes.add_argument("-na", action="store_const", const=True,
help="Complete run of the pipeline without "
"adjusting fasta files")
# Input formatting
input_format = parser.add_argument_group("Input formatting")
input_format.add_argument("-d", action="store_const", const=True,
dest="code", help="Do not convert input proteome"
" file names because the file names are already "
"in code (e.g. Homo_sapiens.fas -> HoSap.fas")
input_format.add_argument("-sep", dest="separator", help="Specify the "
"separator in the input files (e.g. '_' is the"
" separator in 'Homo_sapiens.fas'). This "
"parameter is ignored if the '-d' option is set")
# Search options
search_opts = parser.add_argument_group("Ortholog search options")
search_opts.add_argument("--min-length", dest="min_length", type=int,
default=10, help="Set minimum length allowed "
"for protein sequences (default is '%(default)s')")
search_opts.add_argument("--max-stop", dest="max_stop", type=int,
default=20, help="Set maximum percentage of "
"stop codons in protein sequences (default is "
search_opts.add_argument("--db", dest="database",
default="goodProteins", help="Name of search "
"database (default is '%(default)s')")
search_opts.add_argument("--search-out", dest="search_out",
default="AllVsAll.out", help="Name of the "
"search output file containing the All-vs-All "
"protein comparisons")
search_opts.add_argument("-evalue", dest="evalue", default=1E-5,
help="Set the e-value cut off for search "
"operation (default is '%(default)s')")
search_opts.add_argument("-inflation", dest="inflation", nargs="+",
choices=[str(x) for x in xrange(1, 6)],
help="Set inflation values for ortholog group"
" clustering. Multiple values may be provided "
"but values are limited to the range [1, 5]")
# Output options
output_opts = parser.add_argument_group("Output options")
output_opts.add_argument("-o", dest="output_dir", default=os.getcwd(),
help="Output directory")
output_opts.add_argument("-prefix", dest="prefix", default="Ortholog",
help="Set the prefix name for each ortholog "
"cluster (default is '%(default)s')")
output_opts.add_argument("-id", dest="id_num", type=int, default=1,
help="Set the starting number for the ortholog "
"clusters (default is '%(default)s')")
output_opts.add_argument("--groups-file", dest="groups_file",
default="groups", help="Set the name of the "
"group files from the output of MCL (default is "
output_opts.add_argument("--min-species", dest="min_sp", default=1,
type=float, help="Set the minimum number of "
"species required for an ortholog cluster to be "
"converted into protein sequence. This option "
"will only affect the protein sequence files, "
"not the group file output.")
output_opts.add_argument("--max-gene-copy", dest="max_gn", default=100,
type=int, help="Set the maximum number of gene "
"copies from the same taxon for each ortholog "
"cluster. This option will only affect the "
"protein sequence files, not the group file "
# Miscellaneous options
misc_options = parser.add_argument_group("Miscellaneous options")
misc_options.add_argument("-np", dest="cpus", default=1, help="Number of "
"CPUs to be used during search operation ("
"default is '%(default)s')")
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
arg = parser.parse_args()
# Crete temp directory
tmp_dir = join(os.getcwd(), ".tmp")
if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
print_col("Executing OrthoMCL pipeline at %s %s" % (
time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), time.strftime("%I:%M:%S")), GREEN, 1)
start_time = time.time()
# Arguments
input_dir = arg.infile
output_dir = arg.output_dir
# name_separator = arg.separator
min_length = arg.min_length
max_percent_stop = arg.max_stop
database_name = join(os.getcwd(), output_dir, "backstage_files",
usearch_out_name = arg.search_out
evalue_cutoff = arg.evalue
cpus = arg.cpus
inflation = arg.inflation
prefix = arg.prefix
start_id = arg.id_num
groups_file = arg.groups_file
min_sp = arg.min_sp
max_gn = arg.max_gn
# Get proteome files
if not os.path.exists(input_dir):
print_col("The input directory %s does not exist. Exiting." %
input_dir, RED, 1)
proteome_files = [abspath(join(input_dir, x)) for x in os.listdir(
# Create and change working directory
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# os.chdir(output_dir)
# Create directory that will store intermediate files during orthology
# search
int_dir = join(output_dir, "backstage_files")
if not os.path.exists(int_dir):
if arg.normal:
adjust_fasta(proteome_files, output_dir)
filter_fasta(min_length, max_percent_stop, database_name,
allvsall_usearch(database_name, evalue_cutoff, output_dir, cpus,
blast_parser(usearch_out_name, output_dir, tmp_dir, None)
dump_pairs(tmp_dir, output_dir)
mcl(inflation, output_dir)
mcl_groups(inflation, prefix, start_id, groups_file, output_dir)
export_filtered_groups(inflation, groups_file, max_gn, min_sp,
"tmp.sql3", database_name, tmp_dir,
elif arg.adjust:
adjust_fasta(proteome_files, output_dir)
elif arg.no_adjust:
filter_fasta(min_length, max_percent_stop, database_name,
allvsall_usearch(database_name, evalue_cutoff, output_dir, cpus,
blast_parser(usearch_out_name, output_dir, tmp_dir, None)
dump_pairs(tmp_dir, output_dir)
mcl(inflation, output_dir)
mcl_groups(inflation, prefix, start_id, groups_file, output_dir)
export_filtered_groups(inflation, groups_file, max_gn, min_sp,
"tmp.sql3", database_name, tmp_dir,
print_col("OrthoMCL pipeline execution successfully completed in %s "
"seconds" % (round(time.time() - start_time, 2)), GREEN, 1)
if os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
if os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
print_col("Program exited with errors!", RED, 1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
__author__ = "Diogo N. Silva"