Source code for

How to use background tasks

Tasks that are too time consuming to be executed in TriFusion's main thread
are defined here. These functions should be called from
:class:`` in a `threading.Thread` object. These
functions must rely on `multiprocessing.Namespace` and `Queue.Queue` objects
to transfer data between the worker and main thread.

Generic creation of background tasks in :class:``

Any method in :class:`` can start a task in a
worker thread, provided it follows a few guidelines described below.
However, for most cases, there is already a
:meth:`` method that greatly
facilitates this process::

    def run_in_background(self, func, second_func, args1, args2=None,
                          no_arg2=False, msg="Crunching data...",

Suppose you have defined a function (`my_func`) in
:mod:`` that is meant to run in the
background. This function may take any number of arguments, but in this
example it takes only one. To execute this function in the background,
simply call :meth:`` like this::

    run_in_background(my_func, None, args1=[my_arg])

This is the simplest example. In many cases `my_func` may return something,
and we may want to feed that something into another callback in the main
thread to update application structures or to perform any other task. This
can be easily accomplished with this method using the `second_func`
and `args2` arguments::

    run_in_background(my_func, my_callback, args1=[my_arg], args2=[other_arg])

In this case, the object returned by `my_func` will be passed directly
to `my_callback`. Since we also defined arguments to `my_callback`, the
argument list will be merged before calling `my_callback`. It's important
to note that `my_callback` is being called from the main thread, which
means that is can change application structures, but it can also freeze the
application window if it's too intensive.

Custom creation of background tasks

A :class:`` method that need to executed some
functio in the background must follow some guidelines to ensure that
it will start and end properly.

Use a `Thread` object

A worker thread can be initiated like::

        p = threading.Thread(target=background_process,
                             args=(func, shared_ns, args1))

The background task is provided in the `target` argument, and any
potential arguments in the `args` argument.

Create and launch a waiting dialog

While the background task is being executed, a dialog of some sort should
be created in the main thread and ideally show some progress. Any
custom dialog can be created, but a general
:class:`` dialog is already

    content = CrunchData()
    # Add a custom message
    content.ids.msg.text = msg
    # Create popup with waiting dialog
    self.show_popup(title="", content=content, size=size,
                    separator_color=(0, 0, 0, 0),

Schedule function that checks the worker thread's pulse

In order to check the pulse of the worker thread and/or receive information
from it while it's busy, a function can be scheduled to be called at
regular intervals using kivy's `Clock` object::

    # Schedule function that checks the process' pulse
    check_func = partial(check_process_status, p, shared_ns)
    Clock.schedule_interval(check_func, .1)

The `check_process_status` function may execute anything, like checking
the `Namespace` or `Queue` objects of the worker thread to update the
progress. The most important thing, however, is to check if the worker
thread is alive, and if not, unschedule itself, close the waiting popup,
join the thread, close any connections and relevant objects::

    def check_process_stats(self, p, shared_ns):

        if not p.is_alive():

If the function in the worker thread returns some object, this woul be
the place to get that object and pass it to another callback::

    def check_process_stats(self, p, shared_ns):

        if not p.is_alive():

            obj = queue.get()


Add a kill switch

Whenever possible, it's desirable to add a kill switch to the
`check_process_status` function, which changes the `Namespace.stop` attribute
to True, signaling the worker thread to stop::

    def check_process_stats(self, p, shared_ns):

        if self.terminate_background:
            shared_ns.stop = True


    from process import data
    from process.error_handling import KillByUser,\
        MultipleSequenceTypes, EmptyAlignment
    from process.sequence import AlignmentList, Alignment
    import orthomcl_pipeline as ortho_pipe
    from ortho import OrthomclToolbox as OrthoTool
except ImportError:
    from trifusion.process import data
    from trifusion.process.error_handling import KillByUser,\
        MultipleSequenceTypes, EmptyAlignment
    from trifusion.process.sequence import AlignmentList, Alignment
    import trifusion.orthomcl_pipeline as ortho_pipe
    from trifusion.ortho import OrthomclToolbox as OrthoTool

from os.path import join, basename
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import shutil
import cPickle as pickle
import time

import os
os.environ["KIVY_NO_ARGS"] = "1"

[docs]def remove_tmp(temp_dir, sql_con): """Removes TriFusion's temporary directory and closes sqlite connection. Removes the temporary directory and all its contents and closes the connection to the sqlite database. Parameters ---------- temp_dir : str Path to the temporary directory sql_con : sqlite3.Connection Sqlite3 connection object """ # Give some time to child threads to exit time.sleep(1) # Close database connection sql_con.close() # Remove temporary files if os.path.exists(temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) return 1
[docs]def load_proc(aln_list, file_list, nm, queue): """Task that loads alignment files into TriFusion. Loads alignment files provided via the `file_list` argument into the `AlignmentList` object provided via `aln_list`. Parameters ---------- aln_list : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. file_list : list List of paths to alignment files. nm : multiprocessing.Namespace Namespace object that allows communication between main and worker threads. queue :Queue.Queue Queue object used to transfer the AlignmentList to the main thread. """ try: if aln_list: aln_list.add_alignment_files(file_list, ns=nm) aln_obj = aln_list else: aln_obj = AlignmentList(file_list, shared_namespace=nm) queue.put(aln_obj) except MultipleSequenceTypes: nm.exception = "multiple_type" except IOError: return except KillByUser: return except Exception as e: logging.exception("Unexpected error when loading input data") print(e)
[docs]def get_stats_summary(dest, aln_list, active_file_set, active_taxa_set, ns): """Calculates Statistic's summary statistics. Executes the `get_summary_stats` method in the background and writes the output in pickle files. Parameters ---------- dest : str Path to directory where the pickle objects with the results will be created. aln_list : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. active_file_set : list List with the active alignments via their `` attribute. active_taxa_set : list List with the active taxa. ns : multiprocessing.Namespace Namespace object that allows communication between main and worker threads. """ try: # Creating deepcopy to perform changes without impacting main # attribute main_aln = deepcopy(aln_list) main_aln.set_database_connections(aln_list.cur, aln_list.con) # Update alignment object according to active file and taxa sets main_aln.update_active_alignments(active_file_set) main_aln.update_taxa_names(active_taxa_set) with open(join(dest, "stats.pc"), "wb") as fh_stats, \ open(join(dest, "table.pc"), "wb") as fh_table: # Check if active data sets are not empty. If so, raise an # exception if main_aln.alignments == OrderedDict() or not main_aln.taxa_names: for fh in [fh_stats, fh_table]: pickle.dump({"exception": "Alignment is empty after file " "and taxa filters"}, fh) return stats = main_aln.get_summary_stats(ns=ns) table = main_aln.get_gene_table_stats() pickle.dump(stats, fh_stats) pickle.dump(table, fh_table) except KillByUser: return
[docs]def background_process(f, ns, a): """General execution of a background process. Allows a generic function to be executed in the background with or without arguments, provided via the `a` argument. Parameters ---------- f : function Callback function. ns : multiprocessing.Namespace Namespace object that allows communication between main and worker threads. a : list List of arguments provided to the `f` function. Can be None. """ try: if a: if "use_ns" in a: a.remove("use_ns") val = f(*a, ns=ns) else: val = f(*a) else: val = f() ns.val = val except KillByUser: return except IOError as e: print(e) except Exception: logging.exception("Unexpected exit in %s", f.__name__) ns.exception = True
[docs]def background_export_groups(f, nm, a): """Specific callback for exporting Orthology groups. Parameters ---------- f : function Callback function. nm : multiprocessing.Namespace Namespace object that allows communication between main and worker threads. a : list List of arguments provided to the `f` function. """ try: f(*a, shared_namespace=nm) except KillByUser: pass except IOError as e: print(e) except: logging.exception("Unexpected error when exporting ortholog " "groups") nm.exception = True
[docs]def orto_execution(nm, temp_dir, proteome_files, protein_min_len, protein_max_stop, usearch_file, usearch_evalue, usearch_threads, usearch_output, mcl_file, mcl_inflation, ortholog_prefix, group_prefix, orto_max_gene, orto_min_sp, sqldb, ortho_dir, usearch_db): """Execution of the orthology search pipeline. Executes all pipeline subprocesses sequentially and updates the Progess dialog label. Parameters ---------- nm : multiprocessing.Namespace Namespace object that allows communication between main and worker threads. temp_dir : str Path to TriFusion's temporary directory. proteome_files : list List of pahts to proteome files. protein_min_len : int Minimum lenght of protein sequences. protein_max_stop : int Maximum percentage of stop codons allowed. usearch_file : str Path to usearch executbale. usearch_evalue: int or float Evalue for usearch execution. usearch_threads : int Number of threads used by usearch execution. usearch_output : str Name of usearch's output file. mcl_file : str Path to the mcl executable. mcl_inflation : list List of inflation values (int) to perform at the end of the orthology search. ortholog_prefix : str Prefix for the name of the orthologs. group_prefix : str Prefix for the name of the group files. orto_max_gene : int Maximum number of gene copies allowed when filtering the search results. orto_min_sp : int Minimum number of taxa representation when filtering the search results. sqldb : str Path to the sqlite database. ortho_dir : str Path to the directory where the results will be generated. usearch_db : str Name of the file used as database for usearch. """ try: nm.finished_tasks = [] nm.task = "schema" ortho_pipe.install_schema(temp_dir) nm.finished_tasks = ["schema"] if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") nm.task = "adjust" ortho_pipe.adjust_fasta(proteome_files, ortho_dir, nm) nm.finished_tasks = ["schema", "adjust"] if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") nm.task = "filter" ortho_pipe.filter_fasta(protein_min_len, protein_max_stop, usearch_db, ortho_dir, nm) nm.finished_tasks = ["schema", "adjust", "filter"] if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") nm.task = "usearch" ortho_pipe.allvsall_usearch(usearch_db, usearch_evalue, ortho_dir, usearch_threads, usearch_output, usearch_bin=usearch_file, nm=nm) nm.finished_tasks = ["schema", "adjust", "filter", "usearch"] if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") nm.task = "parse" ortho_pipe.blast_parser(usearch_output, ortho_dir, db_dir=temp_dir, nm=nm) nm.finished_tasks = ["schema", "adjust", "filter", "usearch", "parse"] if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") nm.task = "pairs" ortho_pipe.pairs(temp_dir, nm=nm) ortho_pipe.dump_pairs(temp_dir, ortho_dir, nm=nm) nm.finished_tasks = ["schema", "adjust", "filter", "usearch", "parse", "pairs"] if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") nm.task = "mcl" ortho_pipe.mcl(mcl_inflation, ortho_dir, mcl_file=mcl_file, nm=nm) nm.finished_tasks = ["schema", "adjust", "filter", "usearch", "parse", "pairs", "mcl"] if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") nm.task = "dump" ortho_pipe.mcl_groups(mcl_inflation, ortholog_prefix, "1000", group_prefix, ortho_dir, nm=nm) nm.finished_tasks = ["schema", "adjust", "filter", "usearch", "parse", "pairs", "mcl", "dump"] if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") nm.task = "filter_groups" stats, groups_obj = ortho_pipe.export_filtered_groups( mcl_inflation, group_prefix, orto_max_gene, orto_min_sp, sqldb, join(ortho_dir, "backstage_files", usearch_db), temp_dir, ortho_dir, nm=nm) nm.finished_tasks = ["schema", "adjust", "filter", "usearch", "parse", "pairs", "mcl", "dump", "filter_groups"] if nm.stop: raise KillByUser("") # stats is a dictionary containing the inflation value as # key and a list with the orthologs as value nm.stats = stats nm.groups = groups_obj except KillByUser: return except IOError as e: nm.exception = str(e) print(e) return except Exception as e: logging.exception("Unexpected exit in Orthology search") nm.exception = str(e)
[docs]def update_active_fileset(aln_obj, set_name, file_list, file_groups, filename_map): """Upates the active files of an `AlignmentList` object This method is similar in purpose to `AlignmentList.update_active_alignments` but it can convert the set name of the active group defined in TriFusion to an actual list of files. Parameters ---------- aln_obj : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. set_name : str Name of the active file group. file_list : list List of alignment files loaded into TriFusion. file_groups : dict Maps the name of custom file groups to a list of alignment files. filename_map : dict Maps the basename of aligment files to their full path. """ # Determine the selected active taxa set from the dropdown menu if set_name == "All files": aln_obj.update_active_alignments([x for x in file_list]) return aln_obj if set_name == "Active files": return aln_obj else: aln_obj.update_active_alignments( [filename_map[x] for x in file_groups[set_name]]) return aln_obj
[docs]def update_active_taxaset(aln_obj, set_name, active_taxa_list, taxa_groups): """Upates the active taxa of an `AlignmentList` object This method is similar in purpose to `AlignmentList.update_taxa_names` but it can convert the set name of the active group defined in TriFusion to an actual list of taxa. Parameters ---------- aln_obj : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. set_name : str Name of the active taxa group. active_taxa_list : list List of active taxa. taxa_groups : dict Maps the name of custom taxa groups to a list of taxon names. """ if set_name == "All taxa": return aln_obj if set_name == "Active taxa": tx_set = active_taxa_list else: tx_set = taxa_groups[set_name] # Update active taxa aln_obj.update_taxa_names(tx_set) return aln_obj
[docs]def process_execution(aln_list, file_set_name, file_list, file_groups, filename_map, taxa_set_name, active_taxa_list, ns, taxa_groups, hap_prefix, secondary_operations, secondary_options, missing_filter_settings, taxa_filter_settings, codon_filter_settings, variation_filter_settings, output_file, rev_infile, main_operations, zorro_suffix, partitions_file, output_formats, create_partfile, use_nexus_partitions, use_nexus_models, phylip_truncate_name, output_dir, use_app_partitions, consensus_type, ld_hat, ima2_params, conversion_suffix): """The Process execution Parameters ---------- aln_list : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. file_set_name : str Name of the active file group. file_list : list List of alignment files loaded into TriFusion. file_groups : dict Maps the name of custom file groups to a list of alignment files. filename_map : dict Maps the basename of aligment files to their full path. taxa_set_name : str Name of the active taxa group. active_taxa_list : list List of active taxa. ns : multiprocessing.Namespace Namespace object that allows communication between main and worker threads. taxa_groups : dict Maps the name of custom taxa groups to a list of taxon names. hap_prefix : str See :attr:`` attribute. secondary_operations : dict See :attr:`` attribute. secondary_options : dict See :attr:`` attribute. missing_filter_settings : list See :attr:`` attribute. taxa_filter_settings : list See :attr:`` attribute. codon_filter_settings: list See :attr:`` attribute. variation_filter_settings : list See :attr:`` attribute. output_file : str Name of the output file. rev_infile : str See :attr:`` attribute. main_operations : dict See :attr:`` attribute. zorro_suffix : str See :attr:`` attribute. partitions_file : str See :attr:`` attribute. output_formats : list See :attr:`` attribute. create_partfile : bool See :attr:`` attribute. use_nexus_partitions : bool See :attr:`` attribute. use_nexus_models : bool See :attr:`` attribute. phylip_truncate_name : bool See :attr:`` attribute. output_dir : str Path to directory where the output file(s) will be generated. use_app_partitions : bool See :attr:`` attribute. consensus_type : str Mode of consensus variation handling. ld_hat : bool See :attr:`` attribute. ima2_params : See :attr:`` attribute. conversion_suffix : str See :attr:`` attribute. """ def reverse_concatenation(aln): """ Wrapper of the reverse concatenation operation Parameters ---------- aln : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. """ con = aln.con if not use_app_partitions: # Retrieve the alignment object that will be reverted. This # is done first in order to retrieve the length of the locus, # which is provided to the Partitions object for checking and # conversion of "." notation aln = aln.retrieve_alignment(rev_infile) # Instanciate Partitions object and set its length attribute partition_obj = data.Partitions() partition_obj.set_length(aln.locus_length) # In case the partitions file is badly formatted or invalid, the # exception will be returned by the read_from_file method. e = partition_obj.read_from_file(partitions_file) if e: ns.exception = { "exception": ["Invalid partition file", e.value]} raise data.InvalidPartitionFile("") # If there are no issues with the partitions file, set the new # partitions res = aln.set_partitions(partition_obj) if res: ns.exception = { "exception": ["Invalid partition file", res.value] } raise data.InvalidPartitionFile("") if aln.__class__.__name__ == "AlignmentList": aln = aln.reverse_concatenate(ns=ns) else: aln = aln.reverse_concatenate(db_con=con, ns=ns) return aln def filter_aln(aln, table_out="_filter"): """Wrapper for alignment filtering operations Parameters ---------- aln : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. table_out : str Specifies the output table for filtering methods. """ # Check if a minimum taxa representation was specified if secondary_options["gap_filter"]: if missing_filter_settings[1][0]: ns.main_msg = "Filter (minimum taxa)" aln.filter_min_taxa(missing_filter_settings[1][1], ns=ns) # Filter by taxa if secondary_options["taxa_filter"]: # Get taxa list from taxa groups ns.main_msg = "Filter (by taxa)" taxa_list = taxa_groups[taxa_filter_settings[1]] aln.filter_by_taxa(taxa_list, taxa_filter_settings[0], ns=ns) # Filter codon positions if secondary_options["codon_filter"]: ns.main_msg = "Filter (by codon)" aln.filter_codon_positions(codon_filter_settings, table_out=table_out, ns=ns) # Filter missing data if secondary_options["gap_filter"]: ns.main_msg = "Filter (by missing data)" if missing_filter_settings[0][0]: aln.filter_missing_data(missing_filter_settings[0][1], missing_filter_settings[0][2], table_out=table_out, ns=ns) # Filter variation if secondary_options["variation_filter"]: # Checks for variable site filter if variation_filter_settings[0] or variation_filter_settings[1]: ns.main_msg = "Filter (by variable sites)" aln.filter_segregating_sites(variation_filter_settings[0], variation_filter_settings[1], table_in=table_out, ns=ns) # Checks for informative site filter if variation_filter_settings[2] or variation_filter_settings[3]: ns.main_msg = "Filter (by informative sites)" aln.filter_informative_sites(variation_filter_settings[2], variation_filter_settings[3], table_in=table_out, ns=ns) # Pipe the information on the filtered alignments to the main process # only if it was applied a filter that changes the final alignments if set(aln.filtered_alignments.values()) != {None}: ns.filtered_alns = aln.filtered_alignments # Reset main label text ns.main_msg = None # Some filter configurations may result in empty final alignment # list. In such cases, return and issue warning if not aln.alignments: ns.exception = { "exception": ["Empty alignment", "The alignment is empty after applying filters"]} raise EmptyAlignment("Active alignment is empty") return aln def concatenation(aln, table_in=""): """Wrapper for concatenation operation Parameters ---------- aln : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. table_in : str Specifies the input table for concatenation. """ if secondary_options["zorro"]: ns.msg = "Concatenating ZORRO files" zorro_data = data.Zorro(aln, zorro_suffix) zorro_data.write_to_file(output_file) aln = aln.concatenate(table_in=table_in, ns=ns) # Sets the single alignment to True, for other method to be aware of # this = True return aln def consensus(aln, table_out): """Wrapper of the consensus operation Parameters ---------- aln : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. table_out : str Specifies the output table for filtering methods. """ if secondary_options["consensus_single"]: if aln.__class__.__name__ == "AlignmentList": aln = aln.consensus(consensus_type=consensus_type, single_file=True, table_out=table_out, ns=ns) = True else: aln.consensus(consensus_type=consensus_type, table_out=table_out, ns=ns) else: aln.consensus(consensus_type=consensus_type, table_out=table_out, ns=ns) return aln def writer(aln, filename=None, suffix_str="", conv_suffix="", table_suffix=None, table_name=None): """Wrapper for the output writing operations Parameters ---------- aln : trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList AlignmentList object. filename : str If provided, will overwrite the `output_file` variable. suffix_str : str Provides the suffix for the `AlignmentList.write_to_file` method argument. conv_suffix : str Provides the suffix provided for the conversion of files. This suffix will always precede the suffix_str, which is meant to apply suffixes specific to secondary operations. table_suffix : str Suffix of the table from where the sequence data will be retrieved. table_name : str Name of the table from where the sequence data will be retrieved. """ try: if filename: outfile = filename else: outfile = output_file # The output file(s) will only be written after all the required # operations have been concluded. The reason why there are two "if" # statement for "concatenation" is that the input alignments must # be concatenated before any other additional operations. If the # first if statement did not exist, then all additional options # would have to be manually written for both "conversion" and # "concatenation". As it is, when "concatenation", the aln_obj is # firstly converted into the concatenated alignment, and then all # additional operations are conducted in the same aln_obj if aln.__class__.__name__ == "Alignment": aln.write_to_file(output_formats, outfile if outfile else join(output_dir, "consensus"), interleave=secondary_options["interleave"], partition_file=create_partfile, use_charset=use_nexus_partitions, phy_truncate_names=phylip_truncate_name, ld_hat=ld_hat, ima2_params=ima2_params, use_nexus_models=use_nexus_models, ns_pipe=ns, table_suffix=table_suffix, table_name=table_name) elif aln.__class__.__name__ == "AlignmentList": aln.write_to_file( output_formats, output_suffix=suffix_str, conversion_suffix=conv_suffix, interleave=secondary_options["interleave"], partition_file=create_partfile, output_dir=output_dir, use_charset=use_nexus_partitions, phy_truncate_names=phylip_truncate_name, ld_hat=ld_hat, ima2_params=ima2_params, use_nexus_models=use_nexus_models, ns_pipe=ns, table_suffix=table_suffix, table_name=table_name) except IOError as e: logging.exception(e) try: aln_object = deepcopy(aln_list) # Restore database connections, since they are broken during the # deepcopy operation aln_object.set_database_connections(aln_list.cur, aln_list.con) # Setting the alignment to use. # Update active file set of the alignment object aln_object = update_active_fileset(aln_object, file_set_name, file_list, file_groups, filename_map) # Update active taxa set of the alignment object main_aln = update_active_taxaset(aln_object, taxa_set_name, active_taxa_list, taxa_groups) ns.proc_files = len(aln_object.alignments) # Initialize attribute tha will store the number of filtered # alignments for reporting purposes ns.filtered_alns = None # The execution of the process module will begin with all the # operations on the main output alignment. Only after the main # output file has been created will the additional secondary output # files be processed. ##### # Perform operations on MAIN OUTPUT ##### # Set the suffix for the sqlite table harboring the main output # alignment if any of the secondary operations is specified if any(secondary_operations.values()): main_table = "main" else: main_table = "" # Reverse concatenation # Active table: Based on partition names if main_operations["reverse_concatenation"]: ns.task = "reverse_concatenation" main_aln = reverse_concatenation(main_aln) ns.finished_tasks.append("reverse_concatenation") # Filtering # Active table: * / *main if secondary_options["collapse_filter"] and not \ secondary_options["collapse_file"]: ns.task = "collapse" # If the the collapse filter is active, perform this # filtering first. This is because the filter will allow 0% of # missing data, which will always be as stringent or more than any # missing data filter set. main_aln.filter_missing_data(0, 0, table_out=main_table, ns=ns) ns.finished_tasks.append("collapse_filter") # Active table: * / *main if secondary_operations["filter"] and not \ secondary_options["filter_file"]: ns.task = "filter" main_aln = filter_aln(main_aln, table_out=main_table) ns.finished_tasks.append("filter") # Concatenation # Active table: concatenation if main_operations["concatenation"]: ns.task = "concatenation" main_aln = concatenation(main_aln, table_in=main_table) ns.finished_tasks.append("concatenation") # Collapsing # Active table: *main / concatenationmain if secondary_operations["collapse"] and not \ secondary_options["collapse_file"]: ns.task = "collapse" main_aln.collapse(haplotype_name=hap_prefix, dest=output_dir, table_out=main_table, ns=ns) ns.finished_tasks.append("collapse") # Gcoder # Active table: *main / concatenationmain if secondary_operations["gcoder"] and not \ secondary_options["gcoder_file"]: ns.task = "gcoder" main_aln.code_gaps(table_out=main_table, ns=ns) ns.finished_tasks.append("gcoder") # Consensus # Active table: *main / concatenationmain / consensus if secondary_operations["consensus"] and not \ secondary_options["consensus_file"]: ns.task = "consensus" main_aln = consensus(main_aln, table_out=main_table) ns.finished_tasks.append("consensus") # ### Guide on possible final tables # --- Base types # 1: Conversion -> * (main -- checks) # 2: Concatenation -> concatenation (main -- checks) # 3: Reverse concatenation -> * (main --checks) # --- Conversion and Reverse concatenation + secondary ops # 4: Collapse/Filter/Gcoder -> *main (sec --checks) # 5: Consensus -> *main (sec -- checks) # 6: Consensus (single file) -> consensus (main -- fallback) # --- Concatenation + secondary ops # 7: Filter (only) -> concatenation (main -- fallback) # 8: Collapse/gcoder -> concatenationmain (sec -- checks) # 9: Consensus -> concatenationmain (sec -- checks) # 10: Consensus (single file) -> consensus (main -- fallback) # NOTE ON TABLE NAMES # Some combinations of operations actually create a table_suffix # that does not exist in the database. This happens in cases 6, 7 and # 10. However, in these cases the main table(s) of the Alignment # object should be used, so we let the sequence fetching methods # fail to find the suggested table and fallback to the main table. ns.task = "write" writer(main_aln, conv_suffix=conversion_suffix, table_suffix=main_table) ns.finished_tasks.append("write") ##### # Perform operations on ADDITIONAL OUTPUTS ##### # Stores operations that must be performed before concatenation, # if it was specified before_conc = ["filter"] # Perform the filtering and consensus option separately, since these # must be done before concatenation for op in [x for x, y in secondary_operations.items() if x in before_conc and y and secondary_options["%s_file" % x]]: if op == "filter": ns.task = "filter" # Remove previous temporary tables aln_object.remove_tables(aln_object.get_tables()) main_aln = deepcopy(aln_object) main_aln.set_database_connections(aln_list.cur, aln_list.con) ns.msg = "Creating additional filtered alignments(s)" suffix = "_filtered" main_aln = filter_aln(main_aln, table_out=suffix[1:]) if main_operations["concatenation"] and \ main_aln.__class__.__name__ == "AlignmentList": filename = output_file + suffix ns.main_msg = "Concatenating" main_aln = concatenation(main_aln, table_in=suffix[1:]) ns.main_msg = "Writing output" writer(main_aln, filename=filename, table_suffix=suffix[1:]) else: ns.main_msg = "Writing output" writer(main_aln, suffix_str=suffix, table_suffix=suffix[1:], conv_suffix=conversion_suffix) # Remove previous temporary tables aln_object.remove_tables(aln_object.get_tables()) main_aln = deepcopy(aln_object) main_aln.set_database_connections(aln_list.cur, aln_list.con) concatenated = False = False for op in [x for x, y in secondary_operations.items() if x not in before_conc and y and secondary_options["%s_file" % x]]: ns.task = op # Filter data for collapsing # if secondary_options["collapse_filter"] and op == "collapse": # ns.task = "collapse" # ns.main_msg = "Filtering for collapse" # main_aln.filter_missing_data(0, 0, ns=ns) if main_operations["concatenation"]: # If suffix was specified, it means that the filter was # ON. In that case, use that suffix in the table input # for concatenation. if op == "collapse" and secondary_options["collapse_filter"]: pass else: if not concatenated: try: main_aln = concatenation(aln_object) except NameError: main_aln = concatenation(aln_object) concatenated = True if op == "consensus": suffix = "_consensus" main_aln = consensus(main_aln, table_out=suffix[1:]) elif op == "gcoder": suffix = "_coded" main_aln.code_gaps(table_out=suffix[1:], ns=ns) elif op == "collapse": suffix = "_collapsed" # In this case, filter the unconcatenated alignment # and concatenate again if secondary_options["collapse_filter"]: ns.main_msg = "Filtering for collapse" aln_object.remove_tables(aln_object.get_tables()) aln_object.filter_missing_data(0, 0, ns=ns, table_out=suffix[1:]) if main_operations["concatenation"]: ns.main_msg = "Concatenation" main_aln = aln_object.concatenate(ns=ns) ns.main_msg = "Collapse" main_aln.collapse(haplotype_name=hap_prefix, conversion_suffix=conversion_suffix, dest=output_dir, table_out=suffix[1:], ns=ns) ns.main_msg = "Writing output" if main_operations["concatenation"]: filename = output_file + suffix writer(main_aln, filename=filename, table_suffix=suffix[1:]) else: writer(main_aln, suffix_str=suffix, conv_suffix=conversion_suffix, table_suffix=suffix[1:]) # Resets the taxa_names attribute of the aln_obj to include all taxa # aln_object.update_taxa_names(all_taxa=True) except KillByUser: pass except IOError as e: logging.exception(e) # Resets the taxa_names attribute of the aln_obj to include all taxa # aln_object.update_taxa_names(all_taxa=True) return except EmptyAlignment: logging.exception("Empty alignment") # Resets the taxa_names attribute of the aln_obj to include all taxa # aln_object.update_taxa_names(all_taxa=True) # ns.exception = "EmptyAlignment" except Exception as e: print(e) # Log traceback in case any unexpected error occurs. See # self.log_file for whereabouts of the traceback logging.exception("Unexpected exit in Process execution") # Resets the taxa_names attribute of the aln_obj to include all taxa # aln_object.update_taxa_names(all_taxa=True) if not hasattr(ns, "exception"): ns.exception = { "exception": ["Unknown", "Unexpected error when generating Process " "output. Check the app logs."]}
[docs]def load_group_files(group_files, temp_dir, ns=None): """Task that loads orthology group files into TriFusion Parameters ---------- group_files : list List of paths to group files. temp_dir : str Temporary directory where sqlite database will be created. ns : multiprocessing.Namespace Namespace object that allows communication between main and worker threads. Returns ------- og : trifusion.ortho.OrthomclToolbox.MultiGroupsLight `MultiGroupsList` object. og.filters : list List of filters for the `MultiGroupsList` object. """ og = OrthoTool.MultiGroupsLight(db_path=temp_dir, groups=group_files, ns=ns) return [og, og.filters]
[docs]def orto_update_filters(ortho_groups, gn_filter, sp_filter, excluded_taxa, group_names=None, default=False): """Task that updates filters of a `MultiGroupsLight` object Parameters ---------- ortho_groups : trifusion.ortho.OrthomclToolbox.MultiGroupsLight `MultiGroupsList` object. gn_filter : int Filter for maximum gene copies. sp_filter : int Filter for minimum taxa representation. excluded_taxa : list List of taxa to be excluded. group_names : list List with name of group files. default : bool If True, the default filters will be used. Returns ------- orto_groups : trifusion.ortho.OrthomclToolbox.MultiGroupsLight `MultiGroupsList` object. """ try: if group_names or group_names == []: ortho_groups.update_filters(gn_filter, sp_filter, excluded_taxa, group_names, default=default) else: ortho_groups.update_filters(gn_filter, sp_filter, excluded_taxa, default=default) except EOFError: pass return [ortho_groups]
[docs]def get_active_group(ortho_groups, old_active_group, active_group_name): """Task that retrieves the active `GroupLight` object. Parameters ---------- ortho_groups : trifusion.ortho.OrthomclToolbox.MultiGroupsLight `MultiGroupsList` object. old_active_group : str Previous active `GroupLight` object. active_group_name : Name of the `GroupLight` object that will be active. Returns ------- active_group : trifusion.ortho.OrthomclToolbox.GroupLight `GroupLight` object. """ if not old_active_group: active_group = ortho_groups.get_group(active_group_name) else: if active_group_name == return [None] else: active_group = ortho_groups.get_group(active_group_name) return [active_group]
[docs]def get_orto_data(active_group, plt_idx, filt, exclude_taxa): """Creates plot data for orthology Given a GroupLight object, this function will execute the method that corresponds to plt_idx to generate data. Parameters ---------- active_group : trifusion.ortho.OrthomclToolbox.GroupLight `GroupLight` object. plt_idx : str Identifier of the plot type that must have a correspondence in the method dictionary below. filt : list List with orthology filters. exclude_ taxa : list List of taxa to be excluded. """ # Store the plot generation method in a dictionary where keys are # the text attributes of the plot spinner and the values are # bound methods methods = { "Taxa distribution": active_group.bar_species_distribution, "Taxa coverage": active_group.bar_species_coverage, "Gene copy distribution": active_group.bar_genecopy_distribution, "Taxa gene copies": active_group.bar_genecopy_per_species } # Check for excluded taxa. If any have been provided and are different from # the ones already set in the GroupLight object, then update the taxa # filter. if (exclude_taxa and exclude_taxa != active_group.excluded_taxa) or \ (exclude_taxa == [] and exclude_taxa != active_group.excluded_taxa): # The update_stats flag of the exclude_taxa method is set to True # to update the group summary stats. This is important for eventual # corrections to the ortholog cluster filters. active_group.exclude_taxa(exclude_taxa, True) if filt: # If filters AND excluded taxa have been provided, the first thing # to do is check whether the provided filters are still correct. # Excluding taxa may lead to changes in the maximum values of the # ortholog filters, and this needs to be corrected here if exclude_taxa and exclude_taxa != active_group.excluded_taxa: # Correct gene copy filter maximum gn_filt = filt[0] if filt[0] <= active_group.max_extra_copy \ else active_group.max_extra_copy # Correct minimum taxa representation maximum sp_filt = filt[1] if \ filt[1] <= len(active_group.species_list) \ else len(active_group.species_list) else: # No taxa have been excluded this time, so we'll keep the provided # filters gn_filt, sp_filt = filt active_group.update_filters(gn_filt, sp_filt, True) plot_data = methods[plt_idx](filt=filt) return [plot_data]
[docs]def get_stats_data(aln_obj, stats_idx, active_file_set, active_taxa_set, additional_args, ns=None): """Task that retrieves the plot data from `AlignmentList` plot methods Given an aln_obj, this function will execute the according method to generate plot data. Parameters ---------- aln_obj : `trifusion.process.sequence.AlignmentList` AlignmentList object. stats_idx : str Identifier of the method type that must have a correspondence in the `methods` dictionary below. active_filte_set : str Name of the active file set. active_taxa_set : str Name of the active taxa set. additional_args : dict Dictionary with keyword arguments that can be provided when the plot data method is called. ns : multiprocessing.Namespace Namespace object that allows communication between main and worker threads. """ # Creating deepcopy to perform changes without impacting the main attribute main_aln = deepcopy(aln_obj) main_aln.set_database_connections(aln_obj.cur, aln_obj.con) # Update alignment object according to active file and taxa sets main_aln.update_active_alignments(active_file_set) main_aln.update_taxa_names(active_taxa_set) # Check if active data sets are not empty. If so, raise an exception if main_aln.alignments == OrderedDict() or not main_aln.taxa_names: return [EmptyAlignment("Active alignment is empty")] # List of gene specific idx. These plots only have one gene for the footer gene_specific = ["Pairwise sequence similarity gn"] if stats_idx in gene_specific: footer = [1, len(main_aln.taxa_names)] else: footer = [len(main_aln.alignments), len(main_aln.taxa_names)] methods = {"Gene occupancy": main_aln.gene_occupancy, "Distribution of missing data sp": main_aln.missing_data_per_species, "Distribution of missing data": main_aln.missing_data_distribution, "Distribution of missing orthologs": main_aln.missing_genes_per_species, "Distribution of missing orthologs avg": main_aln.missing_genes_average, "Distribution of sequence size": main_aln.average_seqsize_per_species, "Distribution of sequence size all": main_aln.average_seqsize, "Cumulative distribution of missing genes": main_aln.cumulative_missing_genes, "Proportion of nucleotides or residues": main_aln.characters_proportion, "Proportion of nucleotides or residues sp": main_aln.characters_proportion_per_species, "Pairwise sequence similarity": main_aln.sequence_similarity, "Pairwise sequence similarity sp": main_aln.sequence_similarity_per_species, "Pairwise sequence similarity gn": main_aln.sequence_similarity_gene, "Segregating sites": main_aln.sequence_segregation, "Segregating sites sp": main_aln.sequence_segregation_per_species, "Segregating sites gn": main_aln.sequence_segregation_gene, "Segregating sites prop": main_aln.sequence_segregation, "Alignment length/Polymorphism correlation": main_aln.length_polymorphism_correlation, "Distribution of taxa frequency": main_aln.taxa_distribution, "Allele Frequency Spectrum": main_aln.allele_frequency_spectrum, "Allele Frequency Spectrum prop": main_aln.allele_frequency_spectrum, "Allele Frequency Spectrum gn": main_aln.allele_frequency_spectrum_gene, "Missing data outliers": main_aln.outlier_missing_data, "Missing data outliers sp": main_aln.outlier_missing_data_sp, "Segregating sites outliers": main_aln.outlier_segregating, "Segregating sites outliers sp": main_aln.outlier_segregating_sp, "Sequence size outliers sp": main_aln.outlier_sequence_size_sp, "Sequence size outliers": main_aln.outlier_sequence_size} if additional_args: plot_data = methods[stats_idx](ns=ns, **additional_args) else: plot_data = methods[stats_idx](ns) return [plot_data, footer]
__author__ = "Diogo N. Silva"